In a bid to enhance inclusivity and protection for the LGBTQIA+ community, the City Government of Muntinlupa is set to establish a Rainbow Desk that will focus on addressing the concerns and needs of the sector.

“Our LGBTQIA+ community deserves protection and support. This initiative underscores our commitment to fostering inclusivity and equality across all levels and sectors,” said Mayor Ruffy Biazon." This initiative underscores our commitment to fostering inclusivity and equality across all levels and sectors.”

The Rainbow Desk, to be established at the Gender and Development (GAD) Office in City Hall, will implement comprehensive programs, projects, and activities to benefit the LGBTQIA+ community. These include policy formulation, data management, monitoring and evaluation, partnership establishment, and sustainable empowerment initiatives.

“The Rainbow Desk represents a significant step forward for our city, ensuring that every member of our community is valued and supported,” Mayor Biazon added.

Currently, GAD Office spearheads various training programs and livelihood activities for the LGBTQIA+ community in Muntinlupa.

Muntinlupa will celebrate Pride Month with various activities, including a health and wellness day, a seminar on sexual orientation and gender identity, and the LGBT Congress 2024.

The Bahaghari Advisory Council, composed of members from various sectors, recently met to discuss these initiatives.

*Source: Public Information Office