- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Cadaver Bags, Consumable Supplies, PPEs, Examination & Surgical Gloves, IV Catheter Sets, IV Sets & Syringes
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Customized Uniforms to be used at the Palaro 2025
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Open Heart Surgery Supplies, Oxygenarator & CABG Supplies
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Sutures, Ventilator Tubing, Pulmonary Consumables, Transport Ventilator Supplies & High Flow Consumables
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Medical Supplies for OSMUNT
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Mental Health & Pallaiative Care Center Phase 1 at Montillano Street Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used by BPLO & LEIPO
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Dialysis Supplies, Solution & Hemodialysis Catheter
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles for the use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Kitchen Kits for Stockpiling & Prepositioning for Disaster-Affected Families in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Procurement of Computer Application Software for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Disaster Response various Tools, Accessories & Equipment to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment to be used by DDRM (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Jigh Volume, Low Speed (HVLS) Fans
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery Digital Weighing Scales & Stadiometers to be used by C.H.O.
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT & Office Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Hotel Accommodation with Full Board Meals & Transportation for various activities of DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Bayanan Lakeshore Public Park (Phase 2) at Brgy. Bayanan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Sleeping & Family KIts for Stockpiling & Prepositioning
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice for Disaster affected Families in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Sports Materials & Equipment
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Tarpaulins & IEC Materials
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Storage Area at Hall of Justice Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the SIte Improvement for City Government Property at Katihan Road Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Polyurethane Coating Installation for Alabang Central Market Flooring at Bldg. A, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Function Room use with Meals for the Annual Assembly for Plantilla Employees
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for various Programs & Activities
- Invitation to bid for the Rehabilitation of Muntinlupa Sports Complex in Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Fit-Outs of Judges' Lounge at GF, Hall of Justice Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Sound System with various Accessories
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Road & Drainage at 26 Interior Ilaya Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Relief for Prepositioning and Stockpiling for Disaster-Affected Families in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Provision of Security Services for various Public Schools in Muntinlupa City 2025
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Test Answer Sheets to be used by PLMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motorcycles for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Assistive & Adaptive Devices to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT & Office Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Standard Maitenance of Elevators for various Offices/Buildings of City Gov't. of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Provision of Body Worn Camera for DDRM Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office & Janitorial Supplies
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Appliances & Customized Items for the Employee's Birthday Celebration
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment & Furniture for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Tarpaulins & IEC Materials for the used of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used by City Engineering Department
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of CCTVs in Blind Spots Areas of Muntinlupa City Phase 2
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of additional CCTV Camerans in Strategic Locations with in Alabang Public Market Premises
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti Community Feeding Program
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals for Preparatory & Post Election Activities of Comelec
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Advancement of Citywide CCTVs with Analytics (License Plate Recognition) Phase 2
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Vehicles to be used by DDRM & other CGMs Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals for various activities of Muntinlupa Scholarship Division (*Re-Posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Multiple Gas Detector to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Enhancement of School Main Gate & Fences of Bayanan Elementary School Unit 1, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Drainage System Works at Bayanan Elementary School, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for The Supply & Delivery of Various Supplies & Equipment for Disaster Mitigation to be used by LMO
- Invitation to bid for The Laundry Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for The Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for The Supply & Delivery of Immunohistopathology Chemistry (IHC) to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for The Supply & Delivery of Blood Culture Broth with ARD Bottle Tie-Up & Antibiotic Susceptibility Disc for Microbiology
- Invitation to bid for The Construction of Flood Control System (Drainage) and Concreting of Road at Garcip Compound, Brgy. Cupang, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for The Supply & Delivery of Meals for Vaious Programs and Activities of CADO for 2025
- Invitation to bid for The Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning Units for Public Schools in District 1&2 of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for The Supply , Repacking & Delivery School Supplies for Public School Students
- Invitation to bid for The Supply & Delivery of Black Leather Shoes for Distribution to Public School Students w/n Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the The Supply & Delivery of Scantron Machine Opscan 4ES Scanner w/ Calibration Software Application to be used by PLMUN
- Invitation to bid for The Continuous Supply of Ink With Free Use of Printer for 2025
- Invitation to bid for the Outsourced Housekeeping Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Software & Server for PLMUN ICT Office
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Cardiac Marker Analyzer Reagent Tie-Up & Pre-Transfusion Compatibility Testing Reagent Tie-Up
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG) Machine Reagent Tie-Up, Blood Collection Tubes & Blood Bags for Donors
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Blood Culture Broth with ARD Bottle Tie-Up Antibiotic Susceptibility Disc for Microbiology
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Blood Bank Screening, I-Stat (Point of Care for CABG Machine, HBA1C Reagent Tie-Up, Typing Sera & Rapid Test Kits
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Analgesic, Intravenous & Other Sterile Solution to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ampoules & Vials to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motorcycles to be used by MTMB
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals for various activities of Muntinlupa Scholarship Division
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of ECCD Checklist & IEC Materials
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Instructional Materials to be used by ECED
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for Busog Lusong Program para sa Batang Munti
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies for 2025 to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment/Devices for 2025 to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Brochures and Flyers to be used by City Health Office
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Nebulizers and Blood Pressure Monitors to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Nebulizers and Blood Pressure Monitors to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Hypnotics & Sedatives to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Mineral Water Slim Container with Water & Sticker
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Manual Sphygmomanometers with Stethoscopes to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Solar Panels for Social Welfare Project & Economic Project
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Materials for Histopathology Studies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment and Materials to be used by PLMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Sevoflurane Wet Formulation to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Linen Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of of IV Fluids to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Immunohistopathology Chemistry (IHC) to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Hematology & Coagulation Reagent Tie-Up to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Diagnostic Agent (Radiocontrast Media) to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Clinical Chemistry & Electrolytes Reagent Tie-Up to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Arterial Blood Gas Reagent Tie Up, Os[ital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for various Offices of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of various Injectables to be distributed to different Health Centers
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Medical, Dental & Laboratory Supplies to be distributed to different Health Centers
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Smart Board TVs for PLMUN Classrooms
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be distributed to different Health Center
- Invitation to bid for the various Repair Works of Draignage System at Marigold St., Lakeview Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Janitorial & other Supplies for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Pest Control for various Offices of City Government of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment & Materials for PLMUN Center for Muntimedia & Laboratory Mgt. Equipment
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Tumblers as Tokens for 2025 Muntinlupa Cityhood Celebration
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Scantron Machine OPSCAN 4ES Scanner with Calibration Software Application to be used by PLMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies to be used by PLMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Janitorial & other Supplies to be used by PLMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of ICT Software & Server for PLMUN ICT Office
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies to be used by Bahay Kanlungan, Bahay Pag-Asa & Muntinlupa Social Development Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Multi-Purpose Vehicle to be used by City Planning & Development Office
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Furniture for Audio Visual Room
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Refilling Compressor for the SCBA Units of Muntinlupa City Fire Department (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Collection, Treatment & Dosposal of various Hospital Waste, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Liquid Oxygen, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Invitation to bid for the Laundry Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Invitation to bid for the Outsourced Housekeeping Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Supplies & Equipment for Disaster Mitigation to be used by LMO
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Gases, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Invitation to bid for the Provision of Garbage Collection, Hauling & Disposal Services for 2025
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Dietary Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Invitation to bid for the Provision of Security Services for Muntinlupa City Government
- Invitation to bid for the Rental of Ventilator Machine with Ventilator Tubings for use of the Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Invitation to bid for the Continuous Supply of Ink with Free yse of Printer for 2025
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Road Safety Signages and Warning Devices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Materials for Temporary Footbridges
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Emergency Care Clinic at Southville 3, Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Tunasan Health Center, Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Material Recovery Facility and Toxic Waste Storage Area at OSMUN, Alabang, Muntinlupa City (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Completion of C.H.O. Storage Facility: Architectural, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Works and Landscaping at PAcwood, Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of CCTVs to be used by PNP Sub-Station with in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Personal Protective Equipment for used of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Hexaxim Vaccine to be used by C.H.O.
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Appliances for various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Supplies & Materials to be used by ESC
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Technical-Vocational Facility (MCTI) Phase 2 at Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of SPED Bldg: Accessibility, Features, Architectural Finishes, Electrical, Mechanical, Fire Protection & Auxiliary Systems at Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Training Equipment for Emergency MEdical Services of DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Portable Radios to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medicines, Medical Supplies & Equipment to be used by DDRM EMS
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drones inlcuding Batteries, Spotlight, Multipacks of Accessories of other Peripherals to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Customized Items to be used by various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Construction & Electrical Materials for the use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical & Laboratory Supplies to be distributed to different Health Centers
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Sound System for Public Schools in District 1 & 2 of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Air Conditioning Units for Public Schools in District 1 & 2 of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice & Grocery Items with Basket
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Multi-Purpose Vehicles for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Rental of Lights, Sounds, & LED Wall for Muntinlupa Founding Anniversary & Muntinlupa Day Celebration
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixture to be used by various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Refilling Compressor for the SCBA Units of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Emergency Response Motorcycles for the First Aid Service Team of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Frist Aid Kit for the First Aid Service Team of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Invitation to bid for the Procurement of Certification Body Services for the ISO 9001:2015 Standard Certification of the Quality Management System (QMS) of the City Government of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Furnitures for Treasurer's Office, Main Bldg. City Hall, Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Appliances to be used as Raffle Prizes for Muntinlupa Day Celebration
- Invitation to bid for the Repair of Ground Floor Comfort Rooms & Poly Carbonate Roofing at CDM Bldg. 1 at Posadas Ave., Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of High Angle Rescue Equipment to be ysed by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of STP at Colegio De Muntinlupa Brgy. Sucat
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Teen & Youth Development Center (Earthworks, Foundation Works, Structural Steel Columns from Footing Level to Mid 2F-3F Level & Portion of 2nd Floor Framing) at Sports Complex Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Women & Children's Hospital (Foundation Works along GL B/N 102 to GL BN 8-9) at Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used by C.H.O.
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of 2025 Calendars to be distributed widely across Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Handheld Radios to be used by MTMB & Fire Department
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Organic Waste Shredders to be used by ESC (*Reposted)
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Flood Control System (Drainage) and Concreting of Road at Garcip Compound, Brgy. Cupang, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for Various Offices of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Booklets, Tarpaulins, Forms and IEC Materials for the Use of Various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for Use of Various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for Use of Various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Armored Assault Vehicle to be Used for Tactical Operations of the Muntinlupa City Police Station
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Grocery Items to be Given to the Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of 4-Wheeler Light Duty Truck to be Used for Disaster Response Activities
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Basic Life Support Ambulance to be Used by CDM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of 9 Urban Fire Fighting Pumper Trucks for 9 Brgys. of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Accelerograph System w/n Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Trench Canal Drainage Works at Buli Elementary School, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Material Recovery Facility: Structural, Architectural, Electrical Rough-Ins and, Sanitary Works at Alabang Central Market, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Furnitures, Appliances & Equipment for Use of Various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Repair of Gutter, Ceiling and Repainting of Roof of Bldg. 1, 2 and 3 of Muntinlupa Science High School, Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Asphalt Overlay at Catleya St., Don Juan Bayview Subd., Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of GPS-Synchronized Clock at Muntinlupa City Hall and Sports Complex
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Material Recovery Facility and Toxic Waste Storage Area at OSMUN, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Lakbay Aral Package for the Celebration of National Children's Month
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of various Items for "Grant a Child's Wish Program" to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Patient Transport Vehicle-Ambulance to be used by CIty Government of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply and Delivery of Chemicals & Equipment for Dengue
- Request for Expression of Interest for Creative Consulting Services for the Research, Concept Development, Copywriting & Editing, Design & Layout, Photography & Printing of the Muntinlupa 30th Cityhood Commemorative Coffee Table Book and the Printing and Publication of the Muntinlupa World War II History Book
- Invitation to bid for the Hotel Accommodation inclusive of Full Board Meals, yse of Function Room & Transport Services for the Conduct of Disaster Preparedness Training Program for Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of CCTV's for Blind Spots Area of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Asphalt Overlay at Tophill Village, Lakeview, Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Senior Citizens' Center at Brgy. Bayanan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the various Repair Works of Drainage System at Godwill Homes II, Manggahan, Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Engineering Office Phase 2 at Muntinlupa City Hall, Brgy. Putatan
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice for Women as requested by PCMO
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of One (1) unit Response Vehicle to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Supplies to be used by OSCA
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rescue Truck to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Installation of Solar Panels to be used by Alabang Central Market
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Open Parks at Public Market, Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Slope Protection (Sheet Pile) along Alabang-Bayanan River at 7C Ilaya, Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Expansion of Active and Public Transport Infrastructure and Establishment of Road Safety Park in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Establishment of Centralized Geographic Information System (GIS) for the City Government of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Lights & Decors for City Hall Quadrangle
- Invitation to bid for the Improvement Works of Drainage System at #209 Moldez Compound, Brgy. Cupang, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Organic Waste Shredderes to be used by ESC
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Lights & Decors for City Hall Quadrangle
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Furniture & Fixtures for the Modernization of Faculty & Dean's Room of PLMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Food Supplies for the Homelife needs of Bahay Kanlungan & Bahay Pag-Asa at Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Accelerograph System with in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Construction/Repair Materials to be used by Engineering Department
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Supplies & Materials for various Courses Offered in MCTI
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Speedboat to be used by Lake Management Office (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical/Laboratory Equipment to be used by Muntinlupa Reproductive Health & Wellness Clinic (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Lights & Christmas Decors in Muntinlupa City Hall & Sucat People's Park
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Supplies for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medicines needed by Anesthesiologists furing Operations in Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Christmas Decorations & Lanterns with in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Christmas Giveaways to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Fit-Outs of LDRRMC Hall as part of Renovation & Improvement of Operations Center at Resiliency Bldg. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of General Services Office (GSO) at Main Bldg., Muntinlupa City Hall, Brgy. Putatan
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Goods for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti School-Based Feeding Program & for Home Life Needs
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals with Accommodation & Use of Function Room for Disaster Preparedness & Awareness & Basic Emergency Response & Road Safety
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of variouis Medicines to be Allocated to different Health Centers (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rescue Equipment for the Special Rescue Force of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Drugs & Medicines to be used for Diagnostic Procedure & Patient Care
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice for the City Government of Muntinlupa Employees and Constituents
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Fire Extinguishers for Occupational Safety & Health
- Invitation to bid for the Customized Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various ICT Equipment to be used by PIO
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical/Laboratory Equipment to be used by Muntinlupa Reproductive Health & Wellness Clinic
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Speakers to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Termite Treatment and Soil Poisoning for use of various Schools in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Speedboat to be used by Lake Management Office
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Safety Helmets for various Schools and Offices of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Game Elements, Robotics Parts and Accessories
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles to be used by various Offices (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Electrical Feeder Line for Night Market at Alabang Central Market (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles for use of various Offices/Departments
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals for the Conduct of Registration of Voters & other activities by Comelec & other key Personnel
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Pantry at Mayor's Office, City Hall of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Installation of Floor Tiles for 28 Classrooms and Repainting of Concrete Stairs at F. De Mesa Elementary School, Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of the Audio Visual Room of the City Hall of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Appliances to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Repair and Improvement of Drainage System at Ilang-Ilang St., Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Molave & Mahogany Daycare Centers and Narra Child Development Center at Brgy. Buli, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the various Repair Works of Animal Pound Center at Pacwood, Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ambush-Type Patrol Vehicle to be used by ESC
- Invitation to bid for the Fit-Outs of PCMO Office at Alabang Central Market
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Medicines to be allocated to different Health Centers
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Windows 11 Pro, Microsoft Office 2021 License & therefore Document Management System for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice for the City Government of Muntinlupa Employees & Constituents
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Nutri Packs & Whole Grain Rice for Malnourished Children in 8 Barangays of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Reading Eye Glasses to be given to the Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Road & Drainage at 41 Interior, Ilaya, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Repair of Wall Leaks at Museo ng Muntinlupa, Centennial Avenue, Brgy. Tunasan
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Network Active Equipment, Peripherals & Data Cabinet for OPCEN Server Room
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of LED Wall for Digital Information Assemination to be Installed at Sports Center and Alabang Terminal
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Noodles to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice to be given to Senior Citizens & other Constituents
- Invitation to bid for the Concreting of Pathway at 315 San Guillermo St., Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Request for Expression of Interest for Upadating of Comprehensive Land and Water Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of LED Wall for Digital Information Assemination to be Installed at Sports Center and Alabang Terminal
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Network Active Equipment, Peripherals & Data Cabinet for OPCEN Server Room
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT & Office Equipment for the use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of CCTV at Poblacion Evacuation Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Chemicals, Laboratory Consumables & Equipment for CDM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Electrical Feeder Line for Night Market at Alabang Central Market
- Invitation to bid for the Early Warning System Service Maintenance of Public Address (PA) System for 13 Stations
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Testing & Commiccioning, Installation of Ultrasonic Water Level Monitoring
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 1 (One) Unit of Dropside Truck with Tailgate Lifter to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles to be used by various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motorcycles for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Two (2) Units Prisoners Van to be used by BJMP Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice & Nutripacks for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti Communication Feeding Program
- Invitation to Bid for the Supply & Delivery of Personal Protective Equipment for Response Agencies
- Invitation to Bid for the Supply & Delivery of 5-Gallon Slim Water Containers (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to Bid for the Supply & Delivery of Assorted Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to Bid for the Supply & Delivery of Heavy Duty Pallets to be used for Storage & Transport of various Supplies
- Invitation to Bid for the Construction of Covered Court Pathway at Lakeview Integrated School, Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motorcyles to be used by various Councilor-Elect Offices & Vice Mayor's Office
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Items for Geriatric Care Program for "Love ko Si Lolo, Love Ko Si Lola"
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles to be used by various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Fire Hose Cabinets to be used by Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Hemoconcentrator, Open Heart Surgery Supplies, CABG Supplies & Oxygenerator (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Single Limb Breathing Circuit, High Flow & CT Scan Machine Consumables (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment to be used by Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Machineries & Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog Food Packs to be distributed to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of ICT & Office Equipment foe use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of One (1) Unit Fire Truck to be used by Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of ECCD Checklist & IEC Materials
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of DDRM Workstation Console for the Improvement of Operation Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Assorted Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medicines to be used on Management of Pertussis Cases
- Invitation to bid for the various Subscription to Programs & Software for use of CDM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Internet Connection to be used by Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Bread to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Rehabilitation of School Perimeter Fence at PEdro E. Diaz High School Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Skating & Cycling Recreational Park (Phase 2 ) at Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at Muntinlupa Sports Complex at Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Baseball Field (Phase 2) at Sports Complex Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the National Instrument Software Subscription for Electronics Communication Engineering Course (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Dietary Food Supplements
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation/Improvement of Taxpayers' Lounge, Office of the City Treasurer, Ground Floor City Hall Main Building
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of SSD Warehouse/Storage Facility, Phase 2, Pacwood, Tunasan Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Asphalt Overlay in Katarungan-Greenheights Access Road Cares Road, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Micronutrient Powder
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be used by C.H.O. & OSCA
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical, Dental & Laboratory Supplies to be used by C.H.O.
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Toners for use of various Offices (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at Muntinlupa Sports Complex at Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Environmental Sanitation Center (ESC) Office at Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Fireman's Suit to be used by DDRM's & BFP's Firefighting Team
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Fresh Eggs to be given/donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 5-Gallon Slim Water Containers
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Relief for Stockpiling & Prepositioning for Disaster Affected Families in Muntinlupa
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Perimeter Fence & Steel Gate at Tiosejo Multi-Purpose Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Installation of Fire Hose Cabinets with Dry Underground Piping Supply Line at Brgy. Cupang, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning Units to be used by PLMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog Gift Packs for Food Assistance to Familiies in need in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 5-Gallon Slim Water Containers
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals with accomodation & use of Funcrtion Room for the conduct of Seminar entitled "Values Orientation Workshop (V.O.W.) & GAD Enrichment Learning" (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the National Instrument Software Subscription for Electronics Communication Engineering Course
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medicines needed by Anesthesiologist during operation in Ospital ng Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical & Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 30 Round Steel Magazines to be used by PNP (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Development & Psychological Tools for Project AGAP (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Laboratory Tools, Equipment & Fixtures for the Academic Department of CDM (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Communication Equipment to be used by POSO (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Toners for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 5-Gallon Slim Water Containers
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Childrens Apparel to be given to Constutuents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items for the Implementation of Project Reach: Seniors Serving Seniors
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of School Supplies to be used by ECED Students of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Goods to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog Food Packs to be distributed to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Noodles to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Training Center at New City Demo Farm at Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Concrete Perimeter & Steel Matting Fence & Security Outpost at F. De Mesa Elem. School Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 5-Gallon Slim Water Containers
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice as part of Social & Economic Assistance Services
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Upgrading of HPS Streetlights Head to LED Lights within Muntinlupa City at District 1 & 2
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Assorted Toys to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals with Accomodation & use of Function Room for the Conduct of Seminar entitled "Values Orientation Workshop (V.O.W.) & GAD Enrichment Learning"
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Photovoltaic Solar Energy Advanced Trainer for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Electronics & Communications Engineering Laboratory Equipment for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Site Development of Lakeview Senior High School at Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Development & Psychological Tools for Project AGAP
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Technical & Scientific Equipment to be used by PIO
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Communication Equipment to be used by POSO
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for various Schools in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of School Supplies to be given/donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Perimeter Fence & Steel Gate at Tiosejo Munti-Purpose Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction/Rehabilitation/Upgrading of Drainage System & Roads at the vicinity of Muntinlupa City Hall area at National Road & Bruger St., Brgy. Putatan
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals for various Programs & Activities
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Books to be used by PLMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Meals/Snacks for various Activities of Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for Seminars & Training of DDRM
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Industrial Ceilings Fans with Motor for Public Schools in District 1 & 2 of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Antirabies Vaccine to be used by C.H.O.
- Invitation to bid for the Hotel Accommodation Inclusive of Full Board Meals, use of Function Hall & Transport Services for the conduct of Lakbay Aral
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Laundry Baskets & Dish Dryers to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Equipment/Demostration Model for PLMUN College of Medicine
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Skating & Cycling Recreational Park (Phase 2) at Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Goods to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Laboratory Tools, Equipment & Fictures for the Academic Department of CDM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Heavy Duty Printer for DDRM Research & Planning Division
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Childrens Apparel/Clothes to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for Seminars & Training to be conducted by the City Police Station
- Invitation to bid for the Provision of additional Security Services for various Schools in Muntinlupa City for 2024
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Goods for the Implementation if Kalingang Munti Community Feeding Program
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Non-Food Relief Items for Stockpiling & Prepositioning for Disaster Affected Families in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Sports Materials for various Events
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Trophies & Medals
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Tarpaulins, Forms/IEC Materials for various Events/Activities
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Single Limb Breathing Circuit, High Flow & CT Scan Machine Consumables
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medicines to be used for Diagnostic Procedures & Patient Care
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ampoules & Vials & various Medicines to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Cautery Machine Consumables, Endoscopy, Surgical & Urology Supplies
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Hemoconcentrator, Open Heart Surgery Supplies, CABG Supplies & Oxygenerator
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Human Albumin & Erythropoietin to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Hypnotics & Sedatives to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of IV Fluids to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical & Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medicines needed by Anesthesiologist during operation in Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Relief for Stockpiling & Prepositioning for Disaster affected Families in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Subscription of Synopsis Software License for 3 Years for the Academic Department of CDM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of various Civil Enginnering Laboratory Equipment for the Academic Department of CDM Laboratory
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of NCR Uniforms to be used at the Palarong Pambansa 2024
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for Seminars & Trainings of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtrures for various Schools in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used by Student Center for Life Skills, District 1 & 2 Muntinlupa Schools
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Improvement of Research Center at Resiliency Bldg., at Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Three (3) Units Greenhouse Structure at DA-Extension Service Office, Orellena Compound Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Laundry Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2024) (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Outsourced Housekeeping Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2024)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Hematology & Coagulation Reagent Tie-Up to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Clinical Chemistry & Electrolytes Reagent Tie-Up to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG) Machine Reagent Tie-Up, Blood Collection Tubes & Blood Bags for Donors (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Fit-Outs of PLEB's Office at Annex Bldg. Muntinlupa City Hall Brgy. Putatan
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Public Information Office Interior Fir-Out at City Hall Annex Building Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Steel Railings at Centennial Avenue Laguerta Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rubber Shoes to be distributed to Public School Students in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Repacking & Delivery of School Supplies Package with Bags to be distributed to Public School Students in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 30 Round Steel Magazines to be used by PNP
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Tarpaulins, Materials, Flyers, Posters & Forms
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motorcycles for use of various Offices (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Blood Bank Screening Reagent Tie-Up & Typing SERA to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Technical & Scientific Equipment to be used by Engineering (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for the various Offices of Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Library Automation & RFID to be used in Colegio De Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items for the Implementation of Project Reach: Seniors Serving Seniors
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for the Home Life Needs of Bahay Pag-Asa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for the Home Life Needs of Bahay Pag-Asa
- Invitation to bid for the Subscription to LEarning Management System for the Year 2024
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Books to be used by Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Asphalt Overlay at Soldiers Hills Village (Cares Route), Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of LED Walls for various Schools in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Precision Air Conditioning to be used by DDRM (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Establishment of Resource Database System for DDRM (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of High-End Desktop Computer Worstations & other IT Equipment (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rescue Truck to be used by DDRM (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Technical Search & Rescue Equipment for DDRM (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Dump Truck to be used by ESC (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Liquid Oxygen/co2, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2024) (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Blood Culture Broth with ARD Bottle Tie-Up & Antibiotic Susceptibility Disc for Microbiology (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pulmonary Consumable Supplies to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for various Schools in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Wheelchairs to be distributed to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of IEC Materials & Tarpaulins to be used by CHO
- Invitation to bid for the Rehabilitation of School Perimeter Fence at Alabang Elementary School, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for the Implementation of Supplementary Feeding Program 2024
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Hemodialysis Catherer & Radiology Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Laparoscopy & ERCP Machine Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Sterrad Machine Cassettes, Pouches & Consumables to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Library Automation of RFID to be used in Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for the various Offices of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Technical & Scientific Equipment to be used by Engineering
- Invitation to bid for the Provision of Security Services for various Schools in Muntinlupa City for 2024
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motorcycles for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Public Employment Service at Muntinlupa City Hall Brgy. Putatan
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Doxcheck to be use by BPLO
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Chest Freexers to be used for the Implementation of Supplementary Feeding Program
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for the various Offices of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Janitorial & other Supplies for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Janitorial & other Supplies to be used by PLMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies to be used by PLMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of PNP Muntinlupa Command & Operation Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used by PNP Muntinlupa Command & Operation Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Military, Police & Security Equipment to be used by PNP Muntinlupa Command & Operation Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment to be used by PNP Muntinlupa Command & Operation Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Technical & Scientific Equipment to be used by PNP MUntinlupa Command & Operation Center
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Tarpaulins & other Materials for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pulmonary Consumable Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ventilator Tubings & other Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Sutures & other Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Materials for Histopathology Studies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Linen Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of IV Sets & Syringes to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of IV Catheter & other Medical Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Hematology & Coagukation Reagent Tie-Up to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Examination & Surgical Gloves to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Dialysis Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Dialysis Solution to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Consumable Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Clinical Chemistry & Electrolytes Reagent Tie-Up to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Cardiac Marker Analyzer Reagent Tie-Up & Pre-Transfusion Compatibility Testing Reagent Tie-Up
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG) Machine Reagent Tie-Up, Blood Collection Tubes & Blood Bags for Donors
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Blood Culture Broth with ARD Bottle Tie-Up & Antibiotic Susceptibility Disc for Microbiology
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Blood Bank Screening Reagent Tie-Up & Typing Sera to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Collection, Treatment & Disposal of various Hospital Waste, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2024)
- Invitation to bid for the Rental of Ventilator Machine with Ventilator Tubings for use of the Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2024)
- Invitation to bid for the Outsourced Housekeeping Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2024)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Gases, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2024)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Liquid Oxygen/co2, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2024)
- Invitation to bid for the Laundry Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2024)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Dietary Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2024)
- Invitation to bid for the Continuous Supply of Ink with Free use of Printer for Ospital ng Muntinlupa for 2024
- Invitation to bid for the Asphalt Overlay at Soldiers Hills Village (Cares Route), Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of 3-Storey Storage Facility (C.H.O.) at Pacwood Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction/Renovation of PNP Headquarters (Roofdeck) at Centennial Avenue, Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Generator Set for the PNP Command & Operations Center
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Apartment Type Niches & Coffin Stockroom with Steel Rack at Muntinlupa City Public Cemetery
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Technical Search & Rescue Equipment for DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rescue Truck to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of High-End Desktop Computer Workstations & Other IT Equipment
- Invitation to bid for the Establishment of Resource Database System for DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Chainsaws to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Precision Air Conditioning to be used by DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Bicycle Road Network & Bike Racks with Roof Shed at District 1 & 2, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Dump Truck to be used by ESC
- Invitation to bid for the Continuous Supply if Ink with Free use of Ptinter for 2024 (*Re-posted)
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of 2024 Calendars to be distributed wisely across Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Continuous Supply of Ink with Free use of Printer for 2024
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of CCTV PNP Command Center
- Invitation to bid for the Demolition of LCS Building at Montillano St., Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Provision of Garbage Collection, Hauling & Disposal Services for 2024
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Provision of Security Services for Muntinlupa City Government
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Repacking of School Supplies for distribution to Public School Students
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Home Appliances to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals for 2023 Family Day Celebration
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Packs to be given to Public Day Care Students
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles to be used by various Offices/Departments
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Modular Tents
- Invitation to bid for the Completion of Sucat Senior High School Site Development at Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Biazon Hall & Improvement of Lobby & Perron of Muntinlupa City Police Station
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines for the different Health Centers
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Disaster Response Vehicles of SSD and other Disaster-Related Programs & Services
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Service Vehicle to be used for various Activities of Bahay Pas-Asa Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Goods to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Cupang Bulilit Center
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of City Hall Annex Bldg. Roofing
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Food Stalls at Muntinlupa City Hall
- Invitation to bid for the Fit-Outs of Leipo Extension Office, City Hall Main Bldg.
- Invitation to bid for the Establishment of Tourism Information Center at Filinvest Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Goods to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Home Appliances
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Dental Supplies to be used by CHO
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Accountable Forms to be used by MTMB
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Technical Equipment for Studio to be given by PIO
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Mineral Water Container & Bottled Water with Sticker to be given to Contituents of Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Accomodation, Meals & Transportation for the Conduct of the Executive Course for Disaster Preparedness of the City Department Heads, National Agencies & other Key Personnel (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Installation of Trench Canal/Pool Channel Drain & Replacement of Water Closets at Muntinlupa Aquatic Center
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Treasury Office at Main Bldg. City Hall
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of TCAD Office at Museo ng Muntinlupa Centennial Avenue Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of SPED Building (Phase 2) at Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Site Development of Muntinlupa Aquatic Center at Muntinlupa Sports Complex Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Completion of Pet Crematorium at Pacwood Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of OSCA One Stop Shop at Ayala Mall Southpark Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of MPDO, DA & IRO Interior Fit-Out at Annex Building City Hall
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Drainage System at Villa Carolina II Subd., Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Asphalt Overlay at Cares Route of Camella Village 1 Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Goods to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Spaghetti Packs to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for Seminars & Training to be conducted by the City Police Station
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Juice & Cupcakes to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items for the Implementation of Supplementary Feeding Program
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment to be used by CHO
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines for Mental Health Program
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines for the different Health Centers
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Personal Protective Equipment
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of IP Surveillance Systems in OSMUN, Regional Trial Court & Resiliency Bldg.
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies to be used for Emergency Response of the DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of IP Surveillance Monitoring System of CDM Bldg. II Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Digital Electronic Siren with PA Warning System
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 10 Units BLS Ambulance Intended for Barangays
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ultra Low Volume Fogging Machine & High Performance Fogging Generator
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Survival & Hygiene Kits
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Technical & Scientific Equipment to be used by CDM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Laboratory Equipment to be used by CDM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Water Tanker to be used by Motorpool
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Tools & Materials for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti Community Feeding Program
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment for various School in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Flyers, Business Planners, IEC Materials & Tarpaulin for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Traffic Control Devices to be used by MTMB
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation & Configuration of Muntinlupa City Wide Public Wi-Fi Phase 2
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Home Appliances
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Rainfall Monitoring System
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Children's Apparel/Clothes to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of various Forms, Permit Ceritificates, Occupational IDs & IEC Materials to be used by BPLO
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Packs for distribution for Indigent Children of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation & Configuration of Muntinlupa Citywide Public Wi-Fi (Phase I)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Items for Love Ko Si Lolo, Love Ko Si Lola Program
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Assorted Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Noodles to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Goods to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Curtains, Windows Blinds & Woodlook Blinds for various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Heavy Equipment (Boom Truck) to be used by Engineering
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Basketball Backstop with Shot Clock & Scoreboard at Muntinlupa Sports Center, Tunasan (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Light Rescue Vehicle (Aluminum Rescue Body)
- Invitation to bid for the Accomodation, Meals & Trasportation for the Conduct of the Executive Course for Disaster Preparedness of the City Department Heads, National Agencies & other Key Personnel
- Invitation to bid for the various Equipment for the Upgrading of Colegio De Muntinlupa's Prototyping Facility
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Mobile Kitchen for Disaster & Emergency Response of SSD
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Drainage System at Lower Orchid Extension, Summitville II, Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Disaster Response Vehicles of SSD and other Disaster-Related Programs & Services
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles to be used by Different Offices/Department in City Government of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Portable Radio to be used by Operations Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Testing, Commissioning & Integration of Portable Electronic Siren
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Indoor LED Videowall for Operations Center of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Printing & Delivery of IEC Materials for Disaster Preparedness Awareness
- Invitation to bid for the Procurement of Cloud-Base Software as a Service Multi-Hazard Impact Based Monitoring & Early Warning System
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Mineral Water Slim Container & Bottled Water with Sticker to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Goods to be given/donated to Organizations/Individuals of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Spaghetti Packs to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of MIneral Water Slim Container with Water & Sticker to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ampoules & Vials to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Packs & Whole Grain Rice for the Nutritional Supplementation of 800 target Families
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Ayala Health Center at Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of MIS Server Room at Muntinlupa City Hall Brgy. Putatan
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Christmas Lights & Decorations at the City Quadrangle
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Christmas Lanterns & Repair, Maintenance Fabrication & Improvement within Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Design, Supply, Delivery & Installation of Christmas Decorations at the City Hall Main Bldg.
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of ECCD Checklist & Worksheet for ITED, PRE-K1 & PRE-K2
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Christmas Giveaways for distribution by the Office of the Mayor
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice for various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Managed Service & Technology Solutions for the Data Privacy Compliance Program for the City Government of Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Camera Equipment & Accessories for the Mayor's Communication Team
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Drainage System at 102/104 Millama Compound San Guillermo St., Prk. 6, Bayanan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Hematology Analyzer for Super Health Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals for various Activities before & during the Barangay/SK Election in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery items to be given to Contituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Supplies & Materials to be used for the Training of various Courses offered in MCTI
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog (5-Kilo Rice) to be given to Senior Citizens of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of various IEC Materials, Receipts, Forms & Tickets for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Juice & Cupcakes to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Machineries & Equipment for the Regular Operation of Bahay Kanlungan
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Drainage System & Road Upgrading at Buendia St., Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Makeshifts at Voting Centers in Distruct 1 & 2, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Overhead Tanks at District 1 & 2 Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Completion of Sucat Senior High School Site Development at Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used at Cupang & Lakeview Health Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Medicines to be used by Cupang & Lakeview Super Health Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Personal Protective Equipment
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Advanced Life Support (ALS) Ambulance
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 1 Unit Customized Search & Rescue Vehicle
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 4 Motorcycles for use of DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of Additional 3 Stations of Rain Gauge (Cupang, Alabang & Poblacion)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Reorganization & Recabling of Opcen Lan Cables
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Upgraded Biometrics for Opcen Security
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Chemistry Laboratory Furniture & Fixtures for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning Units for Students Center for Life Skills & various Schools
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Muntinlupa City High-End Computer Workstations for Operations Center / Call Takers / Dispatch & CCTV Monitoring (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles for use of various Offices (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Relief for Stockpiling & Prepositioning for Disaster affected Families in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Smart TVs for various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Letterhead, Forms, Brochures, Receipt, Booklets, Certification & Lamp Post Banner/Tarpaulin
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog to be given to Senior Citizens of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Juice & Cupcakes to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Maintenance of General Pest Control with Mosquito Traps at Muntinlupa Sports Center, Tunasan & Plaza Central Building, Poblacion
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Outdoor Led Wall for Digital Information Dissemination in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Muntinlupa City High-End Computer Workstations for Operations Center/Call Takers/Dispatch & CCTV Monitoring
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Advancement of Citywide CCTV with Analytics (License Plate Recognition) in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Repair of Comfort Rooms at PLMUN Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Skating & Cycling Recreational Park at Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa Cuty (*Re-posted)
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 50 Desktop Computers for various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Materials & Equipment
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Furnitures & Cabinets for the Visitors Lounge at Mayor's Office Lobby
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Packs for Solo Parents, Feeding Program Beneficiaries & Gift Packs for Urban Poor Solidarity Day
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Home Appliances to be used as Raffle Prizes for the Muntinlupa Day Celebration
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 16 Units of Motorcycles to be used by MTMB
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice for the Employees of City Government of Muntinlupa & other Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation & Configuration of ICT Equipment, Cabling for MIS Server Room Extension
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Drainage System at L 7 B 1 Compound Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Drainage System at L & B 2 Compound Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Drainage System at Block 10A Purok 1 Bayanan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Rehabilitation of Water Supply System at Pacwood Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Motorcycles for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installtion of Muntinlupa City High-End Computer Workstations for Operations Center/Call Takers/Dispatch & CCTV Monitoring
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for the various offices of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Renewal & Procurement of various Software Subscription for Colegio De Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Visitor's Lounge at Mayor's Office Lobby, 2nd Floor City Hall Main Bldg., Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Energization/Electrification of Balai Munti Housing at Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Covered Sidewalk Roofing at Baywalk Bayanan, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Drugs & Medicines to be Allocated to different Health Centers
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of SSD Warehouse/Storage Facility Phase 1 at Pacwood Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Skating & Cycling Recreational Park at Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of OSCA One Stop Shop at Ayala Mall Southpark Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 5-Gallon Slim Water Containers
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of First Aid & Disaster Preparedness Kit for the Training on Disaster Preparedness Program
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Basketball Backstop with Shot Clock & Scoreboard at Muntinlupa Sports Center, Tunasan
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog for the Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice for the Employees of the City Government of Muntinlupa & other Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Goods for the Project: Senior Serving Seniors
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Installation & Configuration of Infrastructure Cabling at Central Records Storage & Supply Center (PACWOOD) Tunasan
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Blood Collection Tubes, Blood Bag Donors & Capillary Blood Glucose Strips (CBG) Analyzer Reagent Tie-Up
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Equipment to be used by PLMUN College of Medicine
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Goods for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti Community Feeding Program
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Request for Expression of Interest for Managed Service & Technology Solutions for the Data Privacy Compliance Program for the City Government of Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Gender Rersponsive Comfort Rooms at City Hall Main Building Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Heamotology & Coagulation Reagent Tie-Up
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Clinical Chemistry & Electrolytes Reagent Tie-Up
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Blood Bank Screening, Istat (Point of Care for Cabg), HBA 1 C Reagent Tie-Up & Typing Sera
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Nutri Packs & Whole Grain Rice for 350 Malnourished Children in 8 Barangays of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of MEdical Equipment to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 2 Units of Mobile Kitchen for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti Feeding Program (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be used by OSCA (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Renewal & Procurement of various Software Subscription for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for the various Offices of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation & Configuration of Infrastructure Cabling at Alabang Central Market (Bldg. A & B)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Non-Food Items: Hygene & Sleeping Kits for Stockpiling & Prepositioning
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Milk Bank Facility at Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Mayor's Communication Office at City Hall Main Building, Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Covid-19 Rapid Test Kits
- Request for Expression of Interest for Managed Service & Technology Solutions for the City Government of Muntinlupa
- Request for Expression of Interest for Procurement of Consultancy Services for the preparation of all Offices of the City Government of Muntinlupa for ISO 9001-2015 Certification
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Heavy Equipment (Boom Truck) to be used by Engineering
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals for the conduct of Seminar entitled "Values Orientation Workshop (V.O.W) & GAD Enrichment Learning
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Electronics & Communications Engineering Laboratory Equipment for Colegio De Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Repair of Drainage System at Purok 10 Sto. Niño Aplaya, Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies, Materials & Rescue Equipment intended for Muntinlupa Aquatic Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning Units at the LCR
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Improvement of Drainage System at Brgy. Buli, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Network Security Licenses for the Protection & Prevention of Threats & the like on all Systems, Applications & Software of the City Government of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Sound System & Accessories to be used by Mayor's Office
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be used by OSCA
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 2 Units Mobile Kitchen for Disaster & Emergency Response of SSD
- Invitation to bid for the Repair, Maintenance & Restoration of Disaster Response Mobile Kitchen
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical, Dental & Laboratory Supplies for use of City Health Office
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning Units for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Construction & Rehabilitation of STP in Muntinlupa Public Market at Brgy. Alabang
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Road & Drainage leading to Bahay Kanlungan (Elderly Home Care) at Emerald Hills Voctoria Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Retrifitting, Rehabilitation & Restoration of various Offices (DAPCO, BPLO, 4Ps & Architect's Office) in Muntinlupa City Hall
- Invitation to bid for the Energization/Electrification of Balai Munti Housing at Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 1 Unit Customized Search & Rescue Vehicle
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Advanced Life Support (ALS) Ambulance
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Fingerprint Scanners for Biometrics
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 4 Motorcycles for use of DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Repacking & Delivery of School Supplies for all ECED Students in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Fiber Optic Network Centralized Connectivity & Internet Access for Muntinlupa City Health Facilities
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Supplies & Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Janitorial Supplies to be used by PLMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Materials to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 50 Desktop Computers for various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Meedicines to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Duplicator Machine for various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pumonary Consumables, Ventilator Tubings & other Supplies to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 2 Units of Mobile Kitchen for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti Feeding Program
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Micronutrient Powder
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medals for Distribution & Donation to both Public & Private Schools
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Non-Food Items: Kitchen Kit for Stockpiling & Prepositioning
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Non-Food Items: Family Kit for Stockpiling & Prepositioning
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 30 Units Digital Photocopier with GDI & Color Scanning for various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Dietary Food Supplements
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG) Analyzer Reagent Tie-Up, Blood Collection Tubes & Blood Bags
- Invitation to bid for the Concreting of Alleys & Construction of Trench Canals at Laguerta Centennial Village Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Rice
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Drugs for the different Health Centers in Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for Seminars & Trainings to be conducted by the City Police Station (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Anesthesia Machine to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ampoules & Vials to be used by OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pulmonary Consumables, Ventilator Tubings & othe supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Printed Scantron Test Answer Sheet for Examination
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of National Instrument Hardware & Software for CDM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Cadaver Bag, Consumable Supplies, Examination & Surgical Gloves to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Linen Supplies to be used at OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Business Permit Certificates, Forms, Permit Card, Sintra Board, Lettehead & Materials for the use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Purchase of LEarning Management System for Colegio De Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Replacement of Wall Cladding Facade at Muntinlupa City Hall Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office & ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for Seminars & Training to be conducted by the City Police Station
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Anesthesia Machine to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ampoules & Vials to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construcmtion Materials for the various Offices of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Uniforms for NCR Palaro 2023
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Monoblock Chairs & Tables to be used at the Mayor's Office Libreng Hiram Program
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ultrasound & Neonatal Incubator
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Sports Materials to be used in Muntinlupa Track & Field Oval (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of New Muntinlupa City Public Market Phase 6 at Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of CNC Bandsaw Cutter & CNC Router for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery if Ekectronics & Communications Engineering LAboratory Equipment for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment & Computer Peripherals to be used by Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of JRF Senior Home Care Phase 2 at Victoria Homes Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Purchase of Learning Management System for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office & ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Drugs for the different Health Centers in Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Drugs
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Equipment to be used by PIO & TCAD
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office & ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grand Piano to be used by Museo ng Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ultra Low Volume (ULV) Fogging Machine & Oil-Proof High Performer Sprayer
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Disinfectants & Insecticides as measures in Dengue Prevention/Control
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning System for use of various Offices
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Crackers for the Project Reach: Senior Serving Senior
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Sports Materials to be used in Muntinlupa Track & Field Oval
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT & Office Equipment for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Equipment for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Tarpaulins, Booklets & Letterheads for the use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Continuous Supply of Ink with Free use of Printer for Ospital ng Muntinlupa for 2023 (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery Antiretroviral Laboratory Supplies for Muntinlupa Reproductive Health and Wellness Clinic (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Fingerprints Scanner for Biometrics (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for the Home Life Needs of Social Development Center (Lakeview)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for Abandoned/Neglected Senior Citizen's Person with Psychological Disability in Social Development Center (Tiosejo)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for the Home Life Needs of Bahay Pag-Asa
- Invitation to bid for the Bidding Documents for the Supply & Delivery of Janitorial & Other Supplies for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Bidding Documents for the Supply & Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Repacking of School Supplies for distribution to Public School Students
- Invitation to bid for the Bidding Documents for the Supply & Delivery of Black Leather Shoes for distribution to Public School Students
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Medicines for Kalingang Munti Action Center (KMAC)
- Invitation to bid for the Repair & Maintenance of various School Building of ECED (Reposted)
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Vice-Mayor's Office (Reposted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Inverter ACUs in New OSMUN Building
- Invitation to bid for the Procurement of various Books for the Library of Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Treasury Office, Main Bldg., City Hall (Reposted)
- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL (Due to 2 Failed Biddings)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply of Rice & Eco Bags for the affected Families of Covid-19 Pandemic (Reposted)
- Invitation to bid for the Provision of Security Services for various School in Muntinlupa City for 2023
- Invitation to bid for the Continuous Supply of Ink with Free use of Printer for Ospital ng Muntinlupa for 2023
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items Para sa Batang May K Program
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery Antiretroviral Laboratory Supplies for Muntinlupa Reproductive Health and Wellness Clinic
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Spaghetti Packs for the Project REACH: Seniors Serving Seniors (Reposted)
- Invitation to bid for the Continuous Supply of Ink with Free use of Printer for 2023 (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Tarpaulins, Calendar & Lingkod Bayan Newsletter
- Invitation to bid for the Repair & Maintenance of various School Buildings of ECED
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Vice-Mayor's Office
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation of Treasury Office, Main Bldg., City Hall
- Invitation to bid for the Installation of Medical Utilities & Other Special Systems, New OSMUN Bldg., Alabang
- Invitation to bid for the Energization/Electrification of BALAI Munti Housing, Putatan
- Invitation to bid for the Purchase/Printing of Doxcheck Global Code Booklets & Digital Certificates to be used by BPLO
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Sewerage Treatment Plants (STP), Plaza Central
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Evacuation Center (Phase 2 & 3) Poblacion
- Invitation to bid for the Completion Works for the Construction of Central Storage, PAcwood, Tunasan
- Invitation to bid for the Repair & Reconditioning of Aircon Units at the Center Court of Muntinlupa Sports Complex (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medication/Antiretroviral Drugs & Laboratory Supplies for Muntinlupa Reproductive Health and Wellness Clinic (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Kevlar Helmets & Concealed Body Armor Vest (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 320 Units Portable Radio to be used as Communication System during Disaster (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Furniture, Cabinet & Architectural Finishes for Muntinlupa City Public Market Admin Office (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Supplies to be used by Ospital ng Muntinlupa (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Liquid Oxygen/co2, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023) (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Rental of Ventilator Machine with Ventilator Tubing for use of the Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023) (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of IP Surveillance Monitoring System for Deped Schools
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Furniture, Fixtures & other Machineries for the Mayor's Office
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Fingerprints Scanners for Biometrics
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP), Centennial Avenue (PNP, CHO & Museo)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 2 Units BLS Ambulance and Equipment for DRRM
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Forms for use of MTMB
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Equipment for ECED
- Invitation to bid for the Arterial Blood Gas Reagent Tie Up for use of the Ospital ng Muntinlupa 2023
- Invitation to bid for the Laundry Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Invitation to bid for the Rental of Ventilator Machine with Ventilator Tubing for use of the Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Invitation to bid for the Collection, Treatment & Disposal of Various Hospital Waste, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Gases, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Dietary Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Liquid Oxygen/co2, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Invitation to bid for the Outsourced Housekeeping Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Invitation to bid for the Collection, Treatment & Disposal of Hazard Waste Materials (CHO) 2023
- Invitation to bid for the Continuous Supply of Ink with Free use of Printer for 2023
- Invitation to bid for the Provision of Security Services within the Premises of City Hall, Sports Complex, DRRM, OSMUN, MARKET, PLMUN, CDM & PACWOOD for 2023
- Invitation to bid for the Provision of Garbage Collection, Hauling & Disposal Services for 2023
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Various Food Items to be Distributed to Various Constituents
- Invitation to bid for the Supply of Rice & Eco Bags for the Affected Families of Covid-19 Pandemic
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of Various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office Supplies to be used by Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Certificates, Forms & Brochures for use of Various Offices (Reposted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Installation of Heat Reclaim Ventilation Unit (Resposted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ammunitions for Pistols & Rifles to be used by PNP Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Kevlar Helmets & Concealed Body Armor Vests
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of CCTV in Muntinlupa City Police Headquarter and Sub Station Unit
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 320 Units Portable Radio to be used as Communication System during Disaster
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installtion of Thermal & Optical Bi-Spectrum Network Positioning System
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog para sa Batang May K Program
- Invitation to bid for the Maintenance of Emergency Public Address and Warning Alert System
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Installation of Earthquake Recording Instrument Accelerometer at Main & Annex Bldgs., Sports Complex, PNP Building, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Repair & Reconditioning of Aircon Units at the Center Court of Muntinlupa Sports Complex
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medication/Antiretroviral Drugs & Laboratory Supplies for Muntinlupa Reproductive Health and Wellness Clinic
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Furnitures, Cabinet & Architectural Finishes for Muntinlupa City Public Market Admin Office
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Spaghetti Packs for the Project Reach: Seniors Serving Seniors
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Food & Non-Food Rooms at MCTI Annex SV3 Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning of 20 Stations of Beacon Lights for PWDs of Muntinlupa City (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Expansion of CCTV Coverage in Muntinlupa City for the DDRM Operations Center (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of EMS Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD & Record Management System (E-Book) for DDRM Operations Center (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Emergency Mobile Application of MCDDRM to help expedite the response time (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Outdoor Led Wall for Public Information Dissemination (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Project Management & Monitoring System with Document Archiving for DDRM (Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Renovation, Extension & Repaiting Works at SV3 Health Center Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog to be given as Extended Assistance to Muntinlupa Constituents
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Equipment for Additional Science Laboratories in Various Senior High School in Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ferrous Sulfate with Folic Acid
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Various Food Items to be Donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Handheld 3D Scanner and Filament Maker for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Installation of Heat Reclaim Ventilation Unit
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of IP Surveilance Monitoring System at Plaza Central, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of IP Surveilance Cameras and Public Address System in the Senior Citizens Home Care Facility, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Rehabilitation of Concrete Pathways at Upper Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Food Packs for Indigent Families of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various ICT Equipment to be used by Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for Bahay Pag-asa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Welfare Goods for Food Subsidy Program for Covid-19 affected Families
- Invitation to bid for the Printing of Ceritificates & Billing Forms to be used for the Operation of BPLO
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Project Managament & Monitoring System with Document Achiving for DDRM
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog to be given as Extended Assistance to Muntinlupa Constituents
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Outdoor LED Wall for Public Information Dissemination
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 3 in 1 Neonatal Pediatric & Adult Mechanical Ventilator Machine to be used at OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Emergency Mobile Application of MCDDRM to help expedite the Response Time
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of One (1) Unit Manlift/Aerial Lift work Platform
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Packs for Pamaskong Handog
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of EMS Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD) & Record Management System (E-Book) for DDRM Operations Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for the various Offices of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Expansion if CCTV Coverage in Muntinlupa City for the DDRM Operations Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Assorted Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Anesthesia Machine to be used at OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of 20,000 Packs of Grocery Items as Pamaskong Handog for the Residents of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning of 20 Stations of Beacon Lights for PWDs of Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Malasakit Center, Extension Ramp & Waiting Area at OSMUN Brgy. Alabang, Muntnlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Improvement of Drainage Sysyem at 174 Brgy. Buli, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Installation of Fiber Optic Cable at BPLO, City Treasury Satellite Office, MCMAO, Police Clearance, PDAO, MTMB, NBI, Ayala Mall Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Construction of Pet Crematorium at Pacwood Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of LED Meteor Lights at Susana Heights Centennial Ave. Tunasan & Christmas Decor at Muntinlupa City Hall
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Christmas Lights & Decor in Muntinlupa City Hall (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Covid-19 Kits to be distributed to various Barangay within the City of Muntinlupa & Various Supplies to be used by DDRM (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Dialysis & Medical Supplies to be used at OSMUN (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Iron Fortified Rice for Undernourished Children under ECED's ECCD Program (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of LED Tape Lights at Muntinlupa Sports Complex Tunasan, Museo ng Muntinlupa Tunasan, Plaza Central Building Poblacion, Putatan Lying-In, Railing Along Bayanan, Poblacion & Soldiers Hills Putatan, City of Muntinlupa
- Invitation to bid for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Local Area Network for the Operations Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Medical & Laboratory Supplies to be used by CHO & OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Materials to be used by OSMUN
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Multi-Parameter Water Quality Testing Kit to be used by LMO
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Office & ICT Equipment & Furniture for use of various Offices
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Tents for Covid-19 Facilities & will serve as Command Post, Triage, Isolation for COVID Patients & other COVID Activities (*Re-posted)
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of Ultrasound Machine to be used at Putatan Super Health Center
- Invitation to bid for the Supply & Delivery of various Medicines to be used at Putatan Super Health Center
- Supply & Delivery of MAB II Auto Scoring Program for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Appliances & Customized Items for the Employees' Birthday Celebration
- Supply & Delivery of Food Relief for Prepositioning & Stockpiling for Disaster-Affected Families in Muntinlupa
- Procurement of Taraflex Badminton Sports Flooring for Regular Training of Athletes
- Supply & Delivery of various Tokens for the activities on Youth Multi-Sectorial Welfare Empowerment and Children Participation
- Supply & Delivery of varioous Supplies and Tokens for Gender & Development Program for the Youth and Sports
- Equipment Preventive Maintenance Service of Sewage Treatment Plant at Muntinlupa City
- Delivery and Renewal of Cloud Unified Communication Platform-as-aService (PaaS) Configuration
- Supply & Delivery of 500 sets of Hygiene Kits for Stockpiling and Prepositioning intended for Disaster Affected Families in Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies and Materials for EMS of DDRM
- Venue for the 2025 Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC) Strengthening and Synchronization Training Program
- Supply & Delivery of Glass Tumblers with Print of 35th Civil Registration Month
- Supply & Delivery of Rice as part of SARI-SARI Store Package Grant
- Supply & Delivery of Groceries for SIKAP Kabuhayan Program (Sari-Sari Store Package Grant)
- Supply & Delivery of Non-Food Items for SIKAP Kabuhayan Program
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for the Participants & Staffs of Women's Day Out Caravan 2025
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for various activities of YASDO
- Hotel Accommodation with Full Board Meals & Transportation for FLood Response Safety Training (FRST) facilitated by the DDRM SAR responders and will be participated by the Barangay Personnel & ACDVs
- Customization & Delivery of Medals & Trophies for the Winner of different Competition during the celebration of CDM's 8th Founding Anniversary
- Supply & Delivery of Video Surveillance Management System Server
- Printing of Tarpaulin & IEC Materials for the use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Full Board Meals inclusing Rental of Function Room for Regular LDRRM Council Meeting
- Supply & Delivery of Packed Meals for Kultura Fest 2025
- Rental of Lights, Sounds, LED Wall, Live Feed & Stage Monitor at the 30th Muntinlupa Cityhood Anniversary
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for the Construction of LMO Bayanan Office at Baywalk, Muntinlupa City
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Wall Fans at Muntinlupa Evacuation Center, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for Repair of Comfort Room at Public C.R. Espeleta Pantalan, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
- Rental of Audio System, Lighting System, LED Wall and Stage for Kultura Fest 2024
- Printing & Delivery of Sintra Board and Tarpaulin for Kultura Fest 2025
- Supply & Delivery of various Meals for Gender & Development Program for the YOuth and Sports
- Supply & Delivery of Meals to be served at the 30th Muntinlupa Cityhood Anniversary
- Supply & Delivery of Assorted Raffle Prizes for the Particiapant of Women's Day Out Caravan 2025
- Supply & Delivery of Souvenir for the Participations of Women's Day Out Caravan 2025
- Repair of 30 TR Ducted Type Air Conditioning Unit at the Muntinlupa Sports Complex (Center Court) Tunasan
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for various activities of Muntinlupa Scholarship Division
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for Installation of Solar Streetlights at Espeleta Pantalan, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of various Sports Materials for Youth Multi-Sectorial Welfare Empowerment and Children Participation
- Printing & Delivery of IEC Materials for iRespond School Caravan
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for various Activities of CHO for the month of February & March
- Hotel Accommodation with Full Board Meals & Transportation for the Earthquake & Landslide Search and Rescue Orientation Course (ELSAROC - Batch 1)
- Supply & Delivery of varous Materials for iRespond School Caravan
- Supply & Delivery of Vehicles to be used by DDRM & other CGMs Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for Preparatory & Post Election Activities of Comelec
- Supply & Delivery of Meals and Snacks to be used in Kick Off Ceremony of Fire Prevention Month Celebration CY 2025
- Type-B Uniform for Job Order Employees
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for Dalaw Negosyo/Negosyo Caravan and Sikap Program for the MEFD Clients
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Advancement of Citywide CCTVs with Analytics (License Plate Recognition) Phase 2
- Construction of Drainage System Works at Bayanan Elementary School, Muntinlupa City
- Enhancement of School Main Gate & Fences of Bayanan Elementary School Unit I, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Meals and Snack for iRespond School Caravan
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for the Cascading of Information on City Programs and Services
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for various Activities of 35th Civil Registration Month
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning Units for Public Schools in District 1 & 2 of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Rice for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti Community Feeding Program
- Supply & Delivery of Elevator Parts at Muntinlupa City Hall Annex Building
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for Muntinlympics Sportsfest 2025
- Extension of MTMB Head's Office & Conference Room at Ayala Mall Southpark Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Repair of 30 TR Ducted Type Air Conditioning Unit at the Muntinlupa Sports Complex (Center Court) Tunasan
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies for Nail Care Courses to be used at MCTI
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies for Caregiving Courses to be used at MCTI
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies for Housekeeping Courses to be used at MCTI
- Purchase of Expenses for the Flower & Stage Decoration for Kasalang Bayan *Re-posted
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies for Hairdressing Courses to be used at MCTI
- Purchase of Gifts for Kasalang Bayan *Re-posted
- Procurement of Ceremonial Cake, Bento Cake and Ceremonial Wine for Kasalanag Bayan *Re-posted
- Soil Boring Test for the Construction of Muntinlupa Mega HEalth Center Ilaya, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Black Leather Shoes for distribution to Public School Students with in Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Software & Server for PLMUN ICT Software & Server for PLMUN ICT Office
- Supply, Repacking & Delivery of School Supplies for Public Schools Students
- Procurement for Stage Decoration & Flower Arrangement
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for various Meetings of DDRM - Research Planning Division
- Supply & Delivery of Scantron Machine Opscan 4ES Scanner with calibration Software Application to be used by PLMUN
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies & Equipment for Disaster Mitigation to be used by LMO
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for various Programs & Activities of CADO for 2025
- Printing & Delivery of Tarpaulin for various Programs and Activities for CADO for CY 2025
- Bookbinding Service of Fifteen copies each of Volume I & II of the 2025 Executive Budget
- Purchase of Reading Glasses for Kalingang Munti
- Procurement of Alcohol, Message Oil and Talcum Powder for Kalingang Munti
- Purchase of Furniture to be used by MCTI
- Purchase of Office Equipment to be used by YASDO
- Purchase of Office Equipment & Furniture to be used by YASDO
- Purchase of Desktop Computer to be used by YASDO
- Continuous Supply of Ink with Free use of Printers for 2025
- Purchase of Goods to be given to constituents as part of Burial Assistance
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Mineral Water Slim Containers with Water & Stickers
- Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment & Materials for PLMUN Center for Multimedia & Laboratory Mgt. Equipment
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of various Injectables to be distributed to different Health Centers
- Construction of Flood Control System (Drainage) and Concreting of Road at Garcip Compound, Brgy. Cupang, Muntinlupa
- Laundry Services, OSMUN 2025
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies for use of various Offices
- Purchase of Meals for Binirun 2025
- Rental of led walls, sound & light system and stage for Binirun 2025
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Pest Control for various Offices of City Government of Muntinlupa
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for various Offices of Muntinlupa City
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment/Devices for 2025 to be used by DDRM
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment & Materials to be used by PLMUN ICT Department
- Construction of Muntinlupa Mega Health Center (Earthworks, Foundation Works, Structural Steel Columns from Footing Level to Roof LEvel & 2F Framing), Ilaya St., Barangay Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for Bahay Kanlungan, Bahay Pag-Asa & Muntinlupa Social Development Center
- Outsourced Housekeeping Services, OSMUN 2025
- Function Room Rental with Full Board Meals for the regular LDRRM Council meeting for January 2025
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be distributed to different Health Centers
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies for 2025 to be used by DDRM
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of IV Fluids to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Cardiac Marker Analyzer Reagent Tie Up and Pre-Transfusion Compatibility Testing Reagent Tie Up
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the various Repair Works of Drainage System at Marigold St., Lakeview Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Manual Sphymomanometers with Stethiscopes to be given to constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Smart Board TVs for PLMUN Classrooms
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Solar Lights and Solar Panels for Social Welfare Projects & Economic Project
- Supply & Delivery of Motorcycles to be used by MTMB
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for Busog Lusog Program para sa Batang Munti 2025
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Sevoflurane Wet Formulation to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Hematology & Coagulation Reagent Tie-Up to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Blood Bank Screening, I Stat (Point Care for CABG) Machine, HBA1C Reagent Tie-Up, Typing Sera & Rapid Test Kits
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Medical, Dental & Laboratory Supplies to be distributed to defferent Health Centers
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Clinical Chemistry & Electrolytes Reagent TIe Up to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Diagnostic Agents (Radiocontrast Media) to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Medical Gases, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Linen Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of various Hospital Waste, OSMUN (2025)
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Provision of Security Services for Muntinlupa City Government Offices
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Liquid Oxygen, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Janitorial & other Supplies for use of various Offices
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery Services OSMUN (2025)
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Provision of Garbage Collection, Hauling & Disposal Services for 2025
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Rental of Ventilator Machine with Ventilator Tubings for use of Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies to be used by PLMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of various Brochures and Flyers to be used by City Health Office
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Printing of ECCD Checklist & IEC Materials
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Instructional Materials to be used by ECED
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Janotorial & other Supplies to be used by PLMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Ampoules & Vials to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Materials for Histopathology Studies to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Analgesic, Intravenous & other Sterile Solution to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Hypnotics and Sedatives to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Tumblers as Token for 2025 Muntinlupa Cityhood Celebration
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Grovery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa 2025
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Arterial Blood Gas Reagent Tie-Up, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Supply & Delivery of Personal Protective Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Meals to be served for the upcoming Year-End Assessment on December 28, 2024 of Security Office
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies to be used at MCTI
- Supply & Delivery of Glass Boards for PLMUN Classroom with Installation
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Machineries & Equipment
- Supply & Delivery of Tires for Service Vehicle of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of Tires for Water Tanker
- Renewal of ICT Webhosting via Cloud for PLMUN ICT Office with Annual Support and Maintenace Fee
- Supply & Delivery of Road Safety Signages & Warning Devices
- Supply & Delivery of various Audio-Visual Production and Photography Equipment by Mayor's Communication Team
- Supply & Delivery of Food Packs for the Celebration of Milestone in Academic Research & Sports
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies to be used at MCTI
- Supply & Delivery of Medical & Laboratory Supplies for different Health Centers
- Supply & Delivery of Refilling Compressor for the SCBA Units Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of Multi-Purpose Vehicle to be used by CPDO
- Procurement of Meals and Venue for the Year-End Assessment of Gender and Development Office
- Accommodation & Transportation Services for the Conduct of the Year-End Assessment by CADO
- Supply & Delivery of Various Supplies to be used at MCTI
- Supply & Delivery of Various Supplies, Office Furniture, Equipment and Hardware to be used by DA-ESO
- Construction of Teen & Youth Development Center at Sports Complex, Brgy. Tunasan
- Supply & Delivery of Stub for Pamaskong Handog Distributin for Senior Citizens
- Printing of Various IEC Materials to be used by MCTI
- Construction of Technical-Vocational Facility (MCTI) Phase 2 at Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Completion of CHO Storage Facility: Architectural, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical WOrks & Landscaping at Pacwood Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for Temporary Footbridges
- Renovation of Tunasan Health Center at Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of CCTVs to be used by PNP Sub-Station with in Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Organic Waste Shredders to be used by ESC
- Supply & delivery of Vaious IEC MAterials & Client Record Booklet to be used by City Health Office
- Rental of Lights, Sounds & LED Wall for Muntinlupa Founding Anniversarry & Muntinlupa Day Celebration
- Renovation of Emergency Care Clinic at Southville 3, Brgy. Poblacion
- Construction of Material Recovery Facility & Toxic Waste Storage Area at OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used by C.H.O.
- Supply & Delivery of Portable Radios to be used by DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Appliances for Various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Training Equipment for Emergency medical Services of DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Medicines, Medical Supplies & Equipment to be used by DDRM EMS
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture for Audio Visual Room
- Supply & Delivery of Hexaxim Vaccine to be used by C.H.O.
- Creative Consulting Services for the Research, Concept Development, Copywriting & Editing, Design & Layout, Photography & Printing of the Muntinlupa 30th Cityhood Commemorative Coffee Table Book & the Printing & Publication of the Muntinlupa World War II
- Installation of Airconditioning Unit at the RTC Branch 256 situated at the Justice Hall Building, Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for the Installation of Electrical Supplies at Alabang Public Market
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for the Relocation of Three (3) Units Floor Standing Aircon at the Muntinlupa Aquatic Center
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture Appliances & Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for the Year-end Assessment of DA-Eso
- Supply & Delivery of Emergency Response Motorcycles for the First Aid Service Team of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of First Aid Kit for First Aid Service Team of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of armored Assault Vehicle to be used for Tactical Operations of the Muntinlupa City Police Station
- Supply & Delivery of Airconditioning Units (Replacement) at Muntinlupa City Police Station
- Supply & Delivery of Sound System for Public Schools in District 1&2 of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Aircon Installation Materials
- Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), at Colegio De Muntinlupa Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Procurement of Meeting Package for The Conduct of 37th BOT Meeting
- Supply & Delivery of Handheld Radios to be used by MTMB & Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of Multi-Purpose Vehicles for use of Various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Rice & Grocery Items w/ Basket
- Supply & Delivery of Basic Life Support Ambulance to be used by CDM
- Construction of SPED Bldg., Accessibility Features, Architectural Finishes, Electrical, Mechanical, Fire Protection & Auxiliary Systems at Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of 9 Urban Fire Fighting Pumper Trucks for 9 Brgys. oif Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Construction & Electrical Materials for the use of Varous Offices
- Repair of Gutter, Ceiling & Repainting of Roof of Bldg. 1, 2 & 3 of Muntinlupa Science High School, Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures to be used by various Offices
- Repair & Maintenance of Government Offices, Buildings & Facilities with in City of Muntinlupa (Repair of Storage Room) at Soldiers Hills, Public Cemetery Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Customized Items to be used by various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies & Materials to be used by ESC
- Meeting Package for Personnel Stress Debriefing (Caring for Cares)
- Venue & Meals for 2nd Muntinlupa Business Advisory Council Meeting
- Supply & Delivery of Fish Feeds to be used by Catfish and Tilapia Hatchery
- Purchase of Comics Magazines to be distributed among Students in Public Schools
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for Task Force Discipline Year-End Review & Assessment
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for MTMB Year-End Review & Assessment base on The Annual Investment Plan
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for Task Force Discipline Year-End Operation on Open Muffler & other Modifications
- Department Heads Year-End Assessment & Planning
- Repair of Ground Floor Comfort Rooms & Polycarbonate Roofing at CMD Bldg. 1 at Posadas Ave., Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of 4-Wheeler Light Duty Truck to be used for Disaster Response Activities
- Purchase of Office LTSC Standard 2021 used for Architectural Division for Design and Rendering Government Projects
- Procurement of Meals & Venue Rental for the Communication Training for Truth Advocates
- Supply & Delivery of Meals and Snacks for The Organizational Planning and Development of Muntinlupa Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for Muntinlupa Founding Anniversary
- Supply & Delivery of various Materials for 13 Office Tables
- Asphalt Overlay at Catleya St., Don JUan Bayview Subd. Sucat, Muntinlupa City
- Trench Canal Drainage Works at Buli Elementary School, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Materials & Kits to support the inclusion Program of ECED
- Supply & Delivery of Sports Athletic Materials & Equipment requested by PLMUN
- Repair of Water Supply System at Muntinlupa Public Market (Food Bazaar), Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Repair and Maintenance of Worn Out Parts of Toyota Avanza
- Repair of PNP Mobile Vehicle Toyota Avanza
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for Water Supply System to be used during 2025 Business Permits Renewal
- Food and Venue for the 1st Colegio De Muntinlupa Industry Summit
- Accommodation for Accreditors during Level 1 Accreditation of CDM
- Meals for Muntinlupa Founding Anniversary
- Supply, Delivery and Installation of Office Partition for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Rental of Venue & Corkage including Meals for 55 Pax for 2 Days for the Year-End Assessment and Evaluation of Performance Staff of GSO
- Construction of Drainage System at Putatan Elementary School Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Construction of Slope Protection (Sheet Pile) along Alabang-Bayanan River at 7C Ilaya, Brgy. Alabang
- Asphalt Overlay at Tophill Village, Lakeview Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Construction of Open Parks at Public Market Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Construction of Women & Children's Hospital (Foundation Works along GL b/n 1.2 to GL b/n 8-9) at Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Procurement of Meeting Package for the Year-End Evaluation of Existing Programs and Services of MCCPC
- Supply & Delivery of Office Supplies to be used by OSCA
- Supply & Delivery of 2,190 Vials of Anti-Rabies to be used by The Office of the City Veterinarian
- Supply & Delivery of various Medical Supplies
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for CDM Accreditation
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Accelerograph System w/in Muntinlupa City
- Power Quality Analysis for 1200A MCB & 600A MCB
- Construction of Material Recovery Facility: Structural, Architectural, Electrical Rough-ins, & Sanitary Works at Alabang Central Market, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of various Big Books to Support the Shared Reasing at Home Program of ECED
- Purchase of 1 Unit of Motorcycle that will be used for PLEB Servers in the Servers in the Serving of Summons, Notice and other Partinent Documents in and outside of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for Dried Water Hyacinth Weaving Livelihood for Women with Disability
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for various Offices of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for Senior Citizens at OSCA Satellite Office
- Printing of PLMUN Tarpaulins & President's Annual Report
- Construction of Senior Citizens' Center at Brgy. Bayanan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of various Furniture for Treasurer's Office Main Bldg. City Hall, Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Uniform for Alagang Angara Sports Festival
- Design & Plaques, Trophies & Medals for the Alagang Angara Sports Festival
- Printing of Booklets, Tarpaulins, Forms & IEC Materials for the use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Appliances to be used as Raffle Prizes for Muntinlupa Day Celebration
- Printing of 2025 Calendar to be distributed widely across Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for GAD Seminar for Persons with Disability
- Supply & Delivery of Food for the Children's Month Celebration
- Supply & Delivery of UV Plastic Rolls for the Development and Maintenance for the City Agriculture Demo Farm
- Supply & Delivery of Chemical & Equipment for Dengue
- Supply & Delivery of Office Supplies for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Patient Transport Vehicle-Ambulance to be used by City Government of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Speed Boat to be used by Lake Management Office
- Supply & Delivery of Meals with Venue Rental & Transportation for One Day Training Package for Bahay Pag-Asa Staff and Residents
- Supply & Delivery of various Medical Equipment to be used at Laboratory Division of City Health Office
- Supply & Delivery of Assorted Clothes for the Sheltered Clients of SAGIP
- Printing & Revised Student Handbook of Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grovery Items to be given to the Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Rice for Women as requested by PCMO
- Supply & Delivery of various Items for "Grant a Child's Wish Program" to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Installation of 1/2 Clear Glass Swing Door with fixed & Transform Wall at OSMUN Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of GPS-Synchronized Clock at Muntinlupa Sports Complex, Tunasan
- Procurement of Meals & Venue Rental for Village Management Seminar of HOAs
- Procurement of Meals & Transportation Services for Bahay Pag-asa Clients
- Supply & Delivery of Solar Lamps & Pin Lights for replacement of busted Bulbs in the Alabang Central Market
- Supply & Delivery of Give Aways, Tokens and Prizes for Children's Month Celebration 2024
- Supply & Delivery of Go Bags, Emergency and Survival Kits and other MEdical Supplies for Medical and Disaster Response in Muntinlupa City
- Procurement of Meals for Project Employees Assessement and Evaluation Year-End Assessement
- Procurement of Meals & Venue Rental for Annual Assessement & Planning Workshop of Local Housing Board
- Repaiting of 2nd Floor Offices & Hallway at Muntinlupa City Hall of Justice, National Road Brgy. Tunasan
- Renovation of Engineering Office Phase 2 at Muntinlupa City Hall Brgy. Putatan
- Procurement of Meals with Venue Rental, for LCAT-VAWC Year-End Assessment
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies & Materials for various Courses Offered in MCTI
- Improvement Works of Drainage System at #209 Moldez Compound Brgy. Cupang, Muntinlupa
- Installation of Solar Panels to be used by Alabang Central Market
- Supply & Delivery of Office Supplies for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Construction/Repair Materials to be used by Engineering Department
- Expansion of Acrtive & Public Transport Infrastructure & Establishment of Road Safety Park
- Supply & Delivery of Janitorial and other Supplies for ECED
- Additional Meals & Snacks for the conduct of WASAR Training for DDRM, LMO Personnel, Barangay & ACDVs of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for the Araw ng Kabalikat sa Kalinisan
- Hotel Accommodation Inlcusive of Full Board Meals, use of Function Room & Transport Services for the conduct of Disaster Preparedness Training Program for Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Dysphagia Stimulator Machine for Oplan Bisita Operations
- Purchase of Give Away, Raffles and Prizes for the Family Day Celebration 2024
- Food for the Family Celebration 2024
- Supply & Delivery of Meals and Snacks for Batch 1 & Batch 2 First Aid Basic Life Support Training for LGBTQ
- Printing of Claim Stubs for Pamaskong Handog Distribution
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for Muntinlupa City LGBTQIA Summit 2024
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for Muntinlupa Celebration
- Purchase of Tent for Night Market of Alabang Central Market, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of PPE for Safety Officers of various Offices and DDRM Personnel
- Meals for various Activities of Gender and Development Office
- Accommodation and Transport for the Conduct of LEvel 4 Incident Command System (Hazard Incident Management Team)
- Purchase of Supplies and Materials for the Teacher's Wellness Program of ECED
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of CCTVs for Blind Sports Area of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for Pugay Tagumpay 2024
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for Repainting of PLMUN Covered Court Flooring and Roof Repair for the LCUAA Games
- Procurement of Meals for the TWG of Gymnastic Cup
- Supply & Delivery of Training Materials for the Technical Assistance & Workshop of 9 Barangays in Line with their Compliance with the Annual Search for Most Resilient Barangay
- Purchase of Tablet Android to be used in Continuous Registration of Pregnant Women in Communities
- Food Supplies for the Homelife Needs of Bahay Kanlungan & Bahay Pag-Asa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Lights & Decors for City Hall Quadrangle
- Supply & Delivery of One (1) Unit Response Vehicle to be used by DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Rescue Truck to be used by DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Rubber Shoes for the Participants of ALCU National Sports Competition
- Supply & Delivery of Uniforms and Mattress for PLMUN Athletic Marshals
- Room Accommodation with Meals for the Conduct of WASAR Training for DDRM, LMO PErsonnel, Barangays & ACDVs of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Medical/Laboratory Equipment to be used by Muntinlupa Reproductive Health & Wellness Clinic
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Full Board Meals for 2024 Resilient Technical Assistance and Workshop
- Supply & Delivery of Medicines needed by Anesthesiologists during Operations in Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Establishment of Centralized Geographic Information System (G.I.S.) for the City Government of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of various Medicines to be Allocated in defferent Health Centers
- Customized Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Furniture & Fixtures for the Modernization of Faculty & Dean's Room of PLMUN
- Supply & Delivey of Medicines to be used for Diagnostic Procedure & Patient Care
- Materials for the Participants to Ating Dibdibin Program The Global Cancer Initiative Empowering Women, Building Capacity
- Supply & Installation of Air Conditioning at MTC Branch 112
- Body Repair & Repainting of GSO Service Vehicle
- General Pest Control for various Government Buildings, Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- General Pest Control & Supply of Refills for Muntinlupa Sports Center
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Lights & Christmas Decors in Muntinlupa City Hall & Sucat People's Park
- Purchase of various Equipment to be used by DA- ESO
- Supply & Delivery of Game Elements, Robotics Parts & Accessories
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Christmas Decorations & Lanterns with in Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of various Materials & Ingredients for the Skills Training on Bangus Processing
- Purchase of Equipment for the Training on Bangus Processing (Deboning & Smoking)
- Purchase of Office Equipment to be Used by PESO
- Fit-Outs of LDRRMC Hall as part of Renovation & Improvement of Operations Center
- Construction of Ramp & Drainage at City Government of Muntinlupa, Putatan
- Supply & Delivery of Rescue Equipment for the Special Rescue Force of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for the Concrete Floor Works at West Station, Muntinlupa Public Market
- Purchase of Supplies for the Upgrading of Electrical Layouts Systems at Filinvest Elementary School, Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Materials for the Fabrication of Steel Ladder to be used by Muntinlupa Public Cemetery, Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Rescue Equipment for the Special Rescue Force of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Manhole Repair Works at Estanislao Bruger & San Guillermo St., Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Trench Canal Drainage Works at Tunasan Elementary School, Brgy. Tunasan., Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Fire Extinguishers for Occupational Safety & Health
- Purchase of CPR Mannequin Half Body to be Used by EMS Muntinlupa City Fire Deparment
- Purchase of Television for Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles for Use of Various Offices/Departments
- Purchase of Vinyl Stickers & Tarpaulins to be Used by CHO
- Purchase of Tokens for 2024 CPOC Performance Assessment and Review of the 2023-2024 Muntinlupa City Pops to be Used by DILG
- Supply & Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Use of Various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Rice for the City Government of Muntinlupa Employees & Constituents
- Consultancy Services for the Updating of Comprehensive Land & Water Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance
- Supply & Delivery of Speakers to be used by DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Developmental & Psychological Tools for Project AGAP
- Supply & Delivery Goods for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti School-Based Feeding Program & Home Life Needs
- Renovartion of General Services Office (GSO) at Main Bldg., Muntinlupa City Hall, Brgy. Putatan
- Fit-Outss of PCMO at Alabang Central Market
- Purchase of Office Equipment to be used by PIO
- Supply & Delivery of Meals w/ Accomodation & Use of Function Room for Disaster Preparedness & Awareness & Basic Emergency Response & Road Safety
- Purchase of Native Christmas Lanters with Wiring included at Alabang Central Market, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Repair & Improvement of Drainage System at Ilang-Ilang St., Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Repair & Improvement of Drainage System at Ilang-Ilang St., Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Various Repair Works of Animal Pound Center at Pacwood Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Fit-Outs of Eco Grocer at GF City Hall Main Building Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Renovation of Molave & Mahogany Daycare Center & Narra Child Development Center at Center at Brgy. Buli, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Olympia Bistro Chair to be used by OSCA
- Renovation of the Audio Visual Room of the City Hall of Muntinlupa
- Printing of Tarpaulin for Sikap Kabuhayan Program to be used by MEFD
- Purchase of Storage Boxes and 1 Stainless Ladder to be used by CHO
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Electrical Feeder Line for Night Market at Alabang, Central Market
- Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles to be used by various Offices
- Renovation of Pantry at Mayor's Office City Hall of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Safety Helmets for Various Schools & Offices of Muntinlupa
- Repair of Motorized Deepwell Pump at Resiliency Building Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Installation of Floor Tiles for 28 Classrooms & Repainting of Concrete Stairs at F. De Mesa Elementary School, Brgy. Putatan
- Fabrication of Steel Barriers at Sports Recreations Management Division Muntinlupa Sports Complex Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Appliances to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of 1 (one) unit Dropside Truck with Taligate Lifter to be used by DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for the Conduct of Registration of Voters & Other Activities by COMELEC & Other Key Personnel
- Supply & Delivery of Ambush Type Patrol Vehicle to be used by ESC
- Supply & Delivery of Two (2) units Prisoners Van to be used by BJMP Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Chemical, Laboratory Consumables & Equipment for CDM
- Supply & Delivery of Windows 11 Pro, Microsoft Office 2021 License & Therefore Document Management System for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Network Active Equipment, Peripherals & Data Cabinet for Opcen Server Room
- Supply & Delivery of Rice & Nutripacks for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti Community Feeding Program
- Supply & Delivery of Rice to Senior Citizens & other Constituents
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Motorcycles to be used by various Councilor-Elect Offices & Vice Mayor's Office
- Supply & Delivery of ICT & Office Equipment for use of various Offices
- Various Subsciption to Programs & Software for use of CDM
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Internet Connection to be used by Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Motorcycles for use of various Offices
- Repair of Wall Leaks at Museo ng Muntinlupa, Centennial Avenue, Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP), at Muntinlupa Sports Complex at Brgy. Tunasan
- Pathway & Drainage System at 1137 Amparo St. Purok 8 Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of 5-Gallon Slim Water Containers
- Supply & Delivery of Noodles to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Bread to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Liquid Oxygen to be used by OSMUN (2024)
- Construction of Skating & Cycling Recreational Park (Phase 2) at Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Reading Eye Glasses to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Nutri Packs & Whole Grain for Malnourished Children in 8 Barangays of Muntinlupa
- Fabrication of Cabinets at Assessor's Office Main Bldg. City Hall National Road, Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Early Warning System Service Maintenance of Public Address (PA) System for 13 Stations
- Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles to be used by various Offices
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of LED WALL for Digital Information Dissemination to be Installed at Sports Center & Alabang Terminal
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of CCTV at Poblacion Evaluation Center
- Repair of Overhead Tank for General Water Supply at Muntinlupa City Hall National Road Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Assorted Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Heavy Duty Pallets to be used for Storage & Transport of various Supplies
- Supply & Delivery of various Toners for use of various Offices
- Fit-Outs of LEIPO Head's Office at GF, City Hall Main Bldg. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Installation of Glass Partition & Glass Counter at 2nd Floor Main Building City Hall Office of the Building Official Natl. Road Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Assorted Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of various Items for Geriatric Care Program for "Love ko so Lolo. Love ko si Lola"
- Supply & Delivery of Hemoconcentrator, Open Heart Surgery Supplies, CABG Supplies & Oxygenerator
- Supply & Delivery of Single Limb Breathing Circuit, High Flow & CT Scan Machine Consumables
- Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment to be used by Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Personal Protective Equipment for Response Agencies
- Construction of Covered Court Pathwalk at Lakeview Integrated School, Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Fire Hose Cabinets to be used by Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of DDRM Workstation Console for the Improvement of Operation Center
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of One (1) Unit Fire Truck to be used by Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- National Instrument Software Subscription for Electronics Communication Engineering Course
- Rehabilitation of School Perimeter Fence at Pedro E. Diaz High School Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog Food Packs to be distributed to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Construction of Baseball Field (Phase 2) at Sports Complex Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Construction of SSD Warehouse/Storage Facility, Phase 2, Pacwood Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Fireman's Suit to be used by DDRM's & BFP's Firefighting Team
- Installation of Protective Grills & Gate at VS Almario Child Devt. Center Parkhomes Subd. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Machineries & Equipment for use of various Offices
- Printing of ECCD Checklist & IEC Materials
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Micronutrient Powder
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconsitioning Units to be used by PLMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Goods to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be used by C.H.O. & OSCA
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Laboratory Tools, Equipment & Fixtures for the CDM Laboratory
- Supply & Delivery of Medical, Dental & Laboratory Supplies to be used by C.H.O.
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for the various Offices of Muntinlupa
- Asphalt Overlay in Katarungan-Greenheights Access Road, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Communication Equipment to be used by POSO
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Children Apparel to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Construction of Environmental Sanitation (ESC) Office at Brgy. Tunasan
- Supply & Delivery of Fresh Eggs to be given/donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Upgrading of HPS Streetlights Head to LED Lights with in Muntinlupa City at District 1 & 2
- Fabrication of Two (2) Steel Christmas Trees at City Quadrangle Putatan & Public Market Alabang
- Supply & Delivery of 30 Round Steel Magazines to be used by PNP
- Completion Works for the Construction of MIS Server Room at Muntinlupa City Hall Brgy. Putatan
- Construction of Perimeter Fence & Steel Gate at Tiosejo Multi-Purpose Brgy. Tunasan
- Preparation of the Muntinlupa Tourism Circuit & Cultural Development Plan
- Supply & Delivery of Meals with accommodations & use of Function Room for the Conduct of Seminar Entitled "Values Orientation Workshop (V.O.W.) & GAD Enrichment Learning
- Installation of Water Pump for Fire Protection at Davao Compound Wawa Street Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Rehabilitation of Water Supply System at PNP Laguerta Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of 5-Gallon Slim Water Containers
- Supply & Delivery of Rice as part of Social & Economic Assistance Services
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Noodles to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Site Development of Lakeview Senior High School at Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of School Supplies to be used by ECED Students of Muntinlupa
- Construction of Concrete Perimeter & Steel Matting Fence & Security Outpost at F. De Mesa Elem. School Putatan
- Supply & Delivery of Industrial Ceiling Fans with motor for Public Schools in District 1 & 2 of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of School Supplies to be given/donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of OV Fluids to be used by OSMUN
- Construction/Rehabilitation/Upgrading of Drainage System & Roads at the vicinity of Muntinlupa City Hall area at National Road & Bruger St., Brgy. Putatan
- Supply & Delivery of Human Albumin & Erythropoietin to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Ampoules & Vials & various Medicines to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Food Relief for Stockpiling & Prepositioning for Disaster Affected Families in Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Technical & Scientific Equipment to be used by PIO
- Supply & Delivery of Electronics & Communications Engineering Laboratory Equipment for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Photovoltaic Solar Energy Advanced Trainer for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of 5-Gallon Slim Water Containers
- Supply & Delivery of Assorted Toys to be given to Coinstituents of Muntinlupa
- Subscription of Synopsis Software License for 3 Years for the Academic Department of Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Site Development of Lakeview Senior High School at Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Hypnotics & Sedatives to be used by OSMUN
- Purchase of Monoblock Chair & Rectangular table by office of the Counilor Allan Rey Camilon
- Purchase of Solar Lights to be given/donated to Constituents by Office of Coun. Francis T. Bagatsing
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for various Schools in Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Books to be used by PLMUN
- Purchase of Medical Equipment to be used by CHO
- Purchase of Construction Materials for Temporary Shelter for the Rapid Composting Machine at City Government of Muntinlupa by City Market Administrator Alabang
- Provision of Additional Security Services for various Schools in Muntinlupa City for 2024
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Procurement & Delivery of various Tools & Materials for the CDM IE Laboratory
- Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for various Activities of Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs
- Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for Seminars & Training to be conducted by the City Police Station
- Purchase of Supplies for Exhibit Optimization to be incurred by the Museo ng Muntinlupa
- Printing of Tarpaulins & Materials for various Programs & Activities of DAPCO
- Construction of Concrete Perimeter Fence Dismantling of Existing Steel Fence & Re-Installation at Camella Homes Alabang 1 Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Goods to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Painting of Court Flooring, Gate & Fence at Bayanan Covered Court Bayanan Baywalk, Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Deodorizer & Waterless
- Purchase of One (1) unit of Motor Vehicle to be used by the Sangguniang Panlungsod Secretariat Office
- Supply & Delivery of Non-Food Relief Items for Stockpiling & Prepositioning for Disaster Affected Families in Muntinlupa
- Meals for various City Health Office Activities
- Rehabilitation of Court Flooring at Upper Sucat, Muntinlupa City
- Full Board Meals including Rental of Function Room for Quarterly LDRRM Council Meeting
- Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for Seminars & Training of DDRM
- Hotel Accommodation Inclusive if Full Board Meals, use of Function Hall & Transport Services for the Conduct of Lakbay Aral
- Supply & Delivery of Antirabies Vaccine to be used by C.H.O.
- Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Materials & Reagent Tie-Up
- Food & Accommodation for the Training/Seminar of Quality Management System (QMS) Working Team in preparation for ISO 9001:2015 Certification
- Repair & Maintenance of Disaster Equipment to be used by DDRM
- Hotel Accommodation with meals for the Conduct of Basic Incident Command System
- Supply, Delivery & Application of Termite Control at Bayanan Health Center Main, Baywalk Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Sports Materials for various Sports Events
- Supply & Delivery of Trophies & Medals
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of various Supplies to be used by Parole & Probation Office
- Purchase of Arch File Binders to be used by Assessor's Office
- Purchase of Meals for various Activities of C.H.O.
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of various Civil Engineering Laboratory Equipment for the Academic Department of CDM Laboratory
- Purchase of Snacks to be used/served in the Upcoming Seminar on Basic Principles of Good Parenting for Security Personnel
- Improvement of Research Center at Resiliency Bldg. Tunasan
- Asphalt Ovrlay at Soldiers Hills Village (CARES ROUTE), Brgy. Putatan
- Supply & Delivery of Laundry Baskets & Dish Dryers to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Children's Apparel/Clothes to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG) Machine Reagent Tie-Up, Blood Collection Tubes & Blood Bags for Donors
- Supply & Delivery of Blood Bank Screening Reagent Tie-Up & Typing Sera to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Hematology & Coagulation Reagent Tie-Up to be used by OSMUN
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Heavy Duty Printer for DDRM Research & Planning Division
- Supply & Delivery of Goods for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti Community Feeding Program
- Repair of Artesian Well at Balimbing Drive Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Medical Supplies to be used at OSMUN-Sentrong Aruga para sa Kababaihan
- Supply & Delivery of One Unit Portable Generator at Poblacion Health Center, City of Muntinlupa
- Venue for Pre-Planning Workshop Inclusive of Meals & LED Wall
- Supply & Delivery of Service Accommodation with Full Board Meals inlcuding Trasportation
- Supply & Delivery of Clinical Chemistry & Electrolytes Reagent Tie-Up to be used by OSMUN
- Printing of Tarpaulins, Forms/IEC Materials for various Events/Activities
- Installation of Streetlights at Katarungan & Greenheights Access Road at District 1 Muntinlupa City
- Structural Engineering Services for the Proposed Pedestrian Footbridge for MUntinlupa Road Safety Park location at Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Costumes for the Muntinlupa Brass Band & Muntinlupa Yaman ng Kalinangan Dance Company
- Purchase of Expanded New Born Screening Collection Kit
- Purchase of various Supplies for the Conduct of Seminar on Values Orientation Workshop (V.O.W.) & GAD Enrichment Learning among City Government Employee
- Installation of Water Supply System at Cupang Elementary School Muntinlupa City
- Rehabilitation of Steel Gate & Arch at Tunasan Elementary School Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Plants & other Agricultural Supplies for the Landscaping of CDM Grounds
- Purchase of Office Supplies to be used by COMELEC
- Outsourced Housekeeping Services, OSMUN (2024)
- Laundry Services, OSMUN (2024)
- Purchase of Furniture & Fixtures to be used by LCR
- Purchase of Agricultural Supplies to be used by the Office & at the City Demo Farm
- Procurement, Delivery & Installation of Vertical Multistage Pump
- Purchase of various Toners & Inks
- Purchase of various Toners & Inks
- Supply & Delivery of Basketball Goal at Muntinlupa City Public Market Alabang
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for various Schools in Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Motorcycles for use of various Offices
- Purchase of Meals for PLMUN ROTC GAD Awareness Training/Seminar on Gender Sensitivity Training
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for various Programs & Activities
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Furniture & Fixtires for use of various Offices
- Construction of Three (3) units Greenhouse Structure at DA-Extension Service Office, Orellana Compound Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Hotel Accommodation with Full on Board Meals
- Purchase of Meals for various Programs & Activities of COOP
- Purchase of Meals for various Programs & Activities of COOP
- Purchase of Meals for various Events/Ectivities by YASDO
- Purchase of Reading Glasses to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used by Student Center for Life Skills, District 1 & 2 Muntinlupa Schools
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Rubber Shoes to be distributed to Public School Students
- Purchse of Other Supplies & Materials for various Activities
- Transfer of Feeder Line for A.C.U Blower & Standby Electrical Materials for Events at Sports Complex
- Purchase for the Meal Expenses of Gawad Ulirang Ina
- Tire Replacement for RV3 & RV4
- Meals for Basic Life Support by CHO
- Purchase for the Meal Expenses on Kalalakihan Tapat sa Responsibilidad at Obligasyon sa Pamilya
- Library Automation & RFID to be used in Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Printing of Tarpaulins, Materials Flyers, Poster & Forms
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Purchase of Meals for various Activities of UPAO
- Purchase of Meals for various Activities of CHO
- Purchase of Materials for 2024 Search for the Most Resilient Business Enterprise Launching Program
- Purchase of Meals Expenses for 2024 various Activities & Events
- Installation of Water Supply System at Muntinlupa Science High School Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Installation of Water Supply System at Victoria Homes Elem. School Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Installation of Water Supply System at Tunasan Elem. School Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Installation of Water Supply System at Men & Women Center Carnation St., Lakeview Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Installation of Additional Water Supply System at Muntinlupa Track & Field & Baseball Field, Muntinlupa Sports Complex Tunasan
- Installation of Water Supply System at Putatan Elementary School
- Construction of Perimeter Fence at Manulife GK Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Asphalt Overlay of Katarungan-Greenheights Access Road at Rosemary St., South Greenheights Village Brgy. Putatan
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for Replacement of Electromagnetic Metering Pump Water Refilling Terminal, Pacwood Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of various Supplies for 2024 Search for the Most Resilient Barangay
- Printing of Materials for Responsible R18 Program
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for Rehabilitation of Water Supply System at Purok 1 Blk. 4 Bayanan, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Customized Printing for various Activities
- Purchase of Souvenirs for 2024 10MOST Outstanding Students Awarding
- Subscription to Learning Management System for the Year 2024
- Fit-Outs of PLEB's Office at Annex Bldg. Muntinlupa City Hall Brgy. Putatan
- Purchase of Meals for Mass DPA & First Aid Orientation on Senior High School Students
- Supply & Delivery of NCR Uniforms to be used at the Palarong Pambansa 2024
- Supply & Delivery of Dump Truck to be used by ESC
- Printing of IEC Materials & Tarpaulins to be used by C.H.O.
- Purchase of Meals for R18 Month Celebration
- Purchase of Philippine Flags & Flagpole for the 2024 National Flag Days
- Purchase of Hemoglobin Monitoring System Analyzer-Blood Bank Machine Reagent Tie-Up
- Renovation of Public Employment Service at Muntinlupa City Hall Brgy. Putatan
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for Water Supply System at Main Bldg. City Hall Brgy. Putatan
- Purchase of Materials for the Repair & Relocation of Treasury Office at West Wing Muntinlupa Sports Complex Tunasan
- Pool Chemicals for Water Treatment Pool Equipment for Pool Maintenance & Others
- Construction of Concrete Fence & Waiting Shed at Area 5 & 6 Blk. 53 SHV Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Tokens for R18 Month Celebration
- Purchase of Trophy & Glass Plaque on Gawad Ulirang Ina 2024
- Meals for various Activities & Meetings for the Regular Operations of SSD
- Purchase of Training Supplies for Mass DPA & First Aid for the Orientation on Senior High School Students
- Construction of Steel Railings at Centennial Avenue Laguerta Tunasan
- Purchase of other Supplies & Materials for Batang Munti Ready Phase 1 Batch 2
- Supply, Repacking & Delivery of School Supplies Package with Bags to be distributed to Public Schools Studetns in Muntinlupa
- Rehabilitation of Water Supply System at MCTI TESDA
- Repair of Motorized Deepwell Pump at Urban Farming Lagoon, Araneta Ave., Katarungan Village Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Meals for various Activities of SSD Pursuant to DILG MC 2012-120
- Training Uniforms for Disaster Preparedness & Management Training of Barangay Emergency Response Team & Kiddie Fire Marshalls
- Purchase of Consent Froms, Triplicate Copy of Custody & Control Forms
- Purchase of Materials for 2024 Search for the Most Resilient Business Enterprise Launching Program
- Purchase of various Materials for 2024 Search for the Most Resilient Business Enterprise
- Construction of Steel Railings at Centennial Avenue Laguerta Tunasan
- Procurement, Delivery & Installation of Equipment for Upgrading & Maintenance of CDM Radio Station
- Supply & Delivery of Blood Culture Broth with ARD Bottle Tie-Up & Antibiotic Susceptibility for Microbiology to be used at Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Books to be used by Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Technical & Scientific to be used by Engineering Office
- Purchase of Meals for R18 Month Celebration by YASDO
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items for the Implementation of Project Reach: Seniors Serving Seniors
- Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for the Home Life Needs
- Construction of Public Information Office Interior Fit-Out at City Hall Annex Bldg. Brgy. Putatan
- Meals for various Activities of the Social Services Department for PPAs
- Purchase of other Supplies Customized Printing for various Activities
- Purchase of Customized Printing Materials for various Activities
- Purchase of Meals for Auxillary Support to Child LED Activities
- Meals for Tobacco Control Training Officers Activity
- Purhcase of Meals for various Events/Activities of YASDO
- Construction of Public Information Office Interior Fit-Out at City Hall Annex Bldg. Putatan
- Meals for the MCTIPC 2 days Seminar on the Mental Health Workplace Policies & Programs
- Admission Test Booklet & Answer Sheets for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Rehabilitation of School Perimeter Fence at Alabang Elementary School
- Purchase of Heavy Duty Tent to be used by various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Installation of Window Type ACU at Coun. Niefes
- Purchase of other Supplies for R-18 Month Celebration
- Purchase for the Replacement of Busted & Defective LED Lights & Ceiling fan at MCTI-Main San Guillermo Putatan
- Supply & Delivery of Technical Search & Rescue Equipment for DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Sterrad Machine Cassettes, Pouches & Consumables to be used by OSMUN
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Precision Air Conditioning Units to be installed in the Data Center of DDRM Operations Center
- Establishment of Resource Database System for DDRM
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of High-End Desktop Computer Workstations & other IT Equipment
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of LED Walls for use of various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Schools in Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Meals for Batang Munti Ready Phase 3
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Wheelchairs to be distributed to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Provision of Security Services for various Schools in Muntinlupa
- Rehabilitation of Courts Flooring at Esporlas Itaas Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Cardiac Marker Analyzer Reagent Tie-Up & Pre-Transfusion Compatibility Testing Reagent Tie-Up
- Supply & Delivery of Hemodialysis Catheter & Radiology Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Laparoscopy & ERCP Machine Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Meals for Women's Month Celebration 2024
- Meals for various Trainings & Seminars by Bureau of Fire Protection-Muntinlupa
- Supplies & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies to be used ny OSMUN
- Supplies & other Materialsl needed during the Celebration of CDM 7th Founding Anniversary
- Supply & Delivery of Dialysis Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Dialysis Solution to be used by OSMUN
- Purchase of Slim Container with Mineral Water Sticker
- Purchase of various Supplies/Equipment to be used by G.S.O.
- Photocopy & Binding of Volume 1 & Volume 2 of the 2024 Muntinlupa City Executive Budget
- Purchase of Fire Extinguisher & Fire Hose to be used by Fire Department
- Purchase of Blank PVC Card & IDP Smart Ribbon Kit
- Collection, Treatment & Disposal of various Hospital Waste, OSMUNT (2024)
- Supply & Delivery of Doxcheck Global Code Booklets to be used by BPLO
- Supply & Delivery of Linen Supplies to be Used by OSMUN
- Other Machinery & Equipment to be used by Museo ng Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Blower to be used by ESC
- Meals for the Pabasa Activity
- Purchase of various Goods to be given to Families & various Associations as part of Handog Pakikiramay/Tulong Program of Maaasahang Serbisyo
- Meals for various Mandatory Capacity Building Training
- Purchase of Sourvenir of Participants on Women's Month Celebration
- Supply, Delivery Installation & Commissioning of PNP Muntinlupa Command & Operation Center
- Supply & Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies for use of various Office
- Supply & Delivery of IV Catheter & other Medical Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Improvement Works at Existing Outfall Drainage System at JPA Subdivision Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Meals for Learn to Swim Program & The Drown Free Philippines Initiative Program
- Purchase of other Supplies & Materials for All Women International Swimming Tournament
- Materials for the Community Livelihood Skills Training on Dried Water Hyacinth Weaving
- Purchase of other Suppliues & Materials for Film Showing on Disaster Preparedness & Road Safety by YASDO
- Purchase of Noodle Floater Core Deluxe Foam for Learn to Swim Program
- Full Board Meals (Including Rental of Function Room & LED Wall) for 2027 Search for the Most Resilient Barangay Opening Program
- Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for the Implementation of Supplementary Feeding Program 2024
- Supply & Delivery of Examination & Surgical Gloves to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for Histopathology Studies to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Chest Freezers to be used for the Implementation of Supplementary Feeding Program
- Electrical Materials to be used for various Special Occasions & Improvement w/n Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Generator Set for the PNP Command & Operations Center
- Supply & Delivery of Ventilator Tubings & other Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Dietary Services OSMUN (2024)
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Purchase of Umbrella & Tumbler to be given to Contituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Air Conditioning Unit to be used by COA
- Meals for various Meetings & Activities of DDRM
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for the various Offices of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Military, Police & Security Equipment to be used by PNP Muntinlupa Command & Operation Center
- Supply & Delivery of Technical & Scientific Equipment to be used by PNP Muntinlupa Command & Operation Center
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used by PNP Muntinlupa Command & Operation Center
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment to be used by PNP Muntinlupa Command & Operation Center
- Construction of Steel Arch with Pedestal at Summit Homes Bayanan, Muntinlupa
- Construction of Waiting Shed at Emergency Care Clinic Southville Health Center Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Sevoflurane wet Formulation
- Installation of Solar Streetlights at Balimbing Drive NBP Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Repair of Motorized Deepwell Pump at Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA)
- Installation of Water Supply System at Department of Agriculture Extension Office, Orellana Compouind Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of X-Ray Supplies to be used by C.H.O.
- Installation od Submersible Pump at Colegio De Muntinlupa Posadas Ave., Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Meals for the Goal Setting & Planning Workshop
- Supply & Delivery of Medical Gases, Ospital ng Muntinlupa 2024
- Supply & Delivery of Sutures & other Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of IV Sets & Syringes to be used by OSMUN
- Continouus Supply of Ink with Free use of Printers for Ospital ng Muntinlupa 2024
- Rental of Ventilator Machine with Ventilator Tubing for use of the Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2024)
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Consumable Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Construction/Renovation of PNP Headquarters (Roofdeck) at Centennial Avnue Brgy. Tunasan
- Construction of Bicycle Road Network & Bike Racks with Roof Shed at District 1 & 2 Muntinlupa
- Renovation of Public Employment Service at Muntinlupa City Hall Brgy. Putatan
- Pathway Concreting Works at Filinvest Alabang Elementary School Annex, Filinvest Socialized Housing Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Procurement & Distribution of Art Kits for Children with Disability for 2024
- Meals to be served at the 29th Cityhood
- Supply & Delivery of other Machinery & Equipment to be used by PNP
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Furniture & Fixtures to be used by PNP
- Token to be given at the 29th Muntinlupa Cityhood
- Various Expenses for the 29th Muntinlupa Cityhood
- Supply & Delivery of Janitorial & other Supplies for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Janitorial & other Supplies to be used by PLMUN
- Construction of Apartment-Type Niches & Coffin Stockroom with Steel Rack at Muntinlupa City Public Cemetery
- Supply & Delivery of Dialysis Supplies to be used bu OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies to be used by PLMUN
- Printing of Tarpaulins & other Materials for use of various Offices
- Purchase of Meals for Family Fun Day
- Construction of 3-Storey Storage Facility (C.H.O.) at Pacwood Brgy. Tunasan
- Repair of Service Vehicle Assigned at COA
- Supply & Delivery of Water Tanker to be used by Motorpool
- Purchase of PMS for Elevator Unit used at Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Repair of Motorized Deepwell Pump at Department of Agriculture Extension Office (DA) Sports Center Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Continuous Supply of Ink with Free use of Printers for 2024
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used by SP Secretariat
- Full Board Meals (Including Rental of Function Room) for Quarterly LDRRM Council Meeting
- Repair of School Grounds at Sucat Elementary School Purok 4 Muntinlupa City
- Construction of Drainage System at NIA Road Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Construction of Biazon Hall & Improvement of Lobby & Perron of Muntinlupa City Police Station
- Demolition of LCS Building at Montillano St., Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Renovation of CIty Hall Annex Bldg. Roofing
- Establishment of Tunasan Information Center at Filinvest Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Completion of Sucat Senior High School Site Development at Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Construction of Cupang Bulilit Center
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of CCTV at PNP Command Center
- Printing of 2024 Calendars to be Distributed Widely Across Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Modular Tents
- Supply & Delivery of Disaster Response Vehicles of SSD & other Disaster-Related Programs & Services
- Fit-Outs of LEIPO Extension Office, City Hall Main Bldg.
- Provision of Security Services for Muntinlupa City Government
- Completion of Pet Crematorium at Pacwood, Brgy. Tunasan
- Supply, Delivery & Repacking of School Supplies for Distribution to Public School Students
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Laboratory Equipment to be used by CDM
- Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines for Mental Health Program
- Site Development of Muntinlupa Aquatic Center at Muntinlupa Sports Complex Brgy. Tunasan
- Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies to be used for Emergency Response of the DDRM
- Construction of Drainage System at Villa Carolina II Subd., Tunasan
- Supply & Delivery of Home Appliances to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Traffic Control Devices to be used by MTMB
- Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment to be used by CHO
- Construction of SPED Building (Phase 2) at Brgy. Poblacion
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Water Tanker to be used by Motorpool
- Asphalt Overlay at CARES Route of Camella Village Brgy. Putatan
- Construction of OSCA One Stop at Ayala Mall Southpark Brgy. Alabang
- Renovation of Treasury Office at Main Bldg. City Hall Brgy. Putatan
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for 2023 Family Day Celebration
- Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles to be used by various Offices/Departments
- Supply & Delivery of various Goods to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Contituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of various Goods to be given to Contituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Rice
- Supply & Delivery of various Technical & Scientific Equipment to be used by CDM
- Supply & Delivery of Ultra Low Volume Fogging Machine & High Performance Fogging Generator
- Supply & Delivery of Service Vehicle to be used for various Activities of Bahay Pag-Asa
- Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines for the different Health Centers
- Supply & Delivery of Personal Protective Equipment
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Basketball Backstop with Shot Clock & Scoreboard at Muntinlupa Sports Center Tunasan
- Supply & Delivery of Dental Supplies to be used by CHO
- Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Rainfall Monitoring System
- Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Digital Electronic Siren with PA Warning System
- Supply & Delivery of Accountable Forms to be used by MTMB
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of IP Surveillance Monitoring System of CDM Bldg. II
- Supply, Delivery, Installation & Configuration of Muntinlupa City Wide Public Wi-Fi Phase 2
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of IP Surveillance Monitoring System in OSMUN Regional Trial Court & Resiliency Bldg.
- Printing of Flyers, Business Planners, IEC Materials & Tarpaulins for use of various Offices
- Construction of MPDO, DA & IRO Interior Fit-Out at Annex Bldg. City Hall
- Construction of TCAD Office at Museo ng Muntinlupa Centennial Avenue Brgy. Tunasan
- Procurement of 5 Gallon Container with Faucet, Sticker & Mineral Water
- Supply & Delivery of Survival & Hygiene Kits
- Supply & Delivery of Kitchen Tools & Equipment
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items
- Supply & Delivery of Technical Equipment for Studio to be used by PIO
- Installation of Trench Canal/Pool Channel Drain & Replacement of Water Closets at Muntinlupa Aquatic Center
- Rental of Additional Audio/Lighting & Multimedia Wall
- Supply & Delivery of Home Appliances
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlujpa
- Supply & Delivery of Spaghetti Packs to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Portable Radio to be used by Operations Center
- Accommodation, Meals & Transportation for the Conduct of the Executive Course for Disaster Preparedness of the city Department Heads, National Agencies & other Key Personnel
- Purchase of Expenses for the Year End Assessment and Strategic Planning of GAD Office
- Web Development of DDRM Website
- Installation of Submersible Pump for Back-up water Supply at Bahay Kanlungan Victoria Homes Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Indoor LED Videowall for Operations Center
- Construction of Drainage System at Lower Orchid Extension, Summitville II, Putatan
- Supply & Delivery of Light Rescue Vehicle (Aluminum Rescue Body)
- Various Equipment for the Upgrading of Colegio De Muntinlupa's Prototyping Facility
- Purchase of 2 sets - Panukat ng Ugaling Pilipino (Psychological Test) for Bahay Pag-Asa Programs and Services
- Purchase of non accountable forms to be used bt LCR
- Request for the Maintenance of Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Panels in Colegio De Muntinlupa Building 1
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Services (Maintenance and Updating) of the Kiosk Units Purchased by DDRM for Disaster Preparedness
- Meals & Snacks for the Conduct of Basic Response Course for PLMUN as part of the Capacity Building for ACDVs
- Supply & Delivery of Juice & Cupcakes to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Foam with Polycotton to be used by OSMUN
- Purchase of various Meals to be Serve during Training in Basic Life Support
- Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Supply, Delivery, Testing, Commissioning & Integration of Portable Electronic Sirens
- Request for Venue & Food for the Annual Search for Outstanding Employees of the Year
- Supply & Delivery of various Items for Love Ko si Lolo, Love ko si Lola Program
- Catering Service for the Muntinlupa Founding Anniversary
- Supply & Delivery of Noodles to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Printing of IEC Materials for Disaster Preparedness Awareness
- Supply & Delivery of Heavy Equipment (Boom Truk) to be used by Engineering
- Supply & Delivery of Food Packs for distribution to Indigent Children of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Children's Apparel/Clothes to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Rice to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of various other Machinery and Equipment to be used of Human Milk Bank in City
- Purchase of various Medical Supplies to be used of Human Milk Bank in City
- Purchase of various Dental Equipment
- Supply & Delivery of Goods to be Given/Donated to Organizations/Individuals of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Assorted Item to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Printing of various Forms, Permit Certificates, Occupational ID's & IEC Materials to be used by BPLO
- Rental of LED Wall, Lights and Sounds for the Muntinlupa Founding Anniversary
- Purchase of Meals for the Senior Citizens Holistic Health Acticity
- Purchase of additional Rice for New Employees of City Government of Muntinlupa and other Offices
- Training Materials for the Workshop on the Preparation of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
- Purchase of PVC Sheets and PVC Die Cutters for the Issuance PDW ID by PDAO
- Purchase of Polo Shirt for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Campaign of the Gender and Development Office
- Hotel Accommodation and Transportation for the Conduct of Refresher Course on Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Medical Services for DDRM Personnel
- Purchase & Delivery of Media Peripherals to be used by Information & Media Relations Division of DDRM
- Purchase of various Items for the Pamana Awarding 2023
- Purchase of Kabalikat sa Kalinisan Uniform by ESC
- Purchase of various Meals for Senior Citizens Holistic Activity
- Procurement of Cloud-Based Software as a Service Multi-Hazard Impact-Based Monitoring & Early Warning System
- Supply, Delivery, Installation of Curtains, Window Blinds, Woodlook Blinds for various Offices
- Purchase of various Office Supplies to be used by Office of Councilor Francis Ian T. Bagatsing
- Request of Meald and Venue for Basic Self Defence Training for POSO Personnel
- Purchase of Meal and Snack for the Conduct of Family Day for PWUD's and Family as part of their recovery process
- Relocation of Submersible Pump at Museo ng Muntinlupa, Centennial Avenue Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Printing of ECCD Checklist & Worksheet for ITED, Pre-K1 & Pre-K2
- Supply & Delivery of Mobile Kitchen for Disaster & Emergency Response of SSD
- Purchase of 55 Pail of Taho to be given/donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Hotel Accommodation for the Training Workshop on the Preparation of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (LDRRMP)
- Purchase of various goods for the Conduct of Lodi Kong Tsuper
- Robotics Kit as prizes during the 2023 Muntinlupa City Robotics Fair and Exhibits
- Supply & Delivery of Blinds with Installation for the College of Medicine
- Procurement of Materials needed for the ROTC Program in CDM
- Purchase of Antiretroviral Drugs
- Puchase of Elf Truck roof plate no CP2395 to be used by LIBRENG HIRAM services under Mayor's Office
- Tools and Equipment and Accessories for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Operations
- Supply & Delivery of Additional Chainsaw Loop to be used for Disaster Related such as Tree Cutting and trimming Operation that Obstructs the Road during disaster
- Purchase of various Supplies/Materials to be used for the Repair and Maintenance of City Health Office Service Vehicle
- Request of Venue and Meals for the Conduct of the 2023 National Children's Month Culminating Activity
- Supply & Delivery of various reagents, Chemicals and Laboratory Consumables for Colegio De Muntinlupa Laboratory
- Procurement of CPR Mannequin for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation & Configuration of Muntinlupa Citywide Public Wi-Fi (Phase 1)
- Purchase of 65 pcs of toilet bowl to be used by City Health Office Sanitation Division
- Purchase of various supplies for Learn to Swim Program
- Purchase and Delivery of materials for the 2024 Business Permit renewal fabrication of wooden office tables and cabinets and painting of walls, flooring, cabinets and tables
- Purchase and Delivery of materials for water supply/BPLO Business Permit Renewal 2024 at Muntinlupa Sports Center Tunasan
- Construction of Drainage System at 102/104 Millama Compound San Guillermo St., Purok 6 Brgy. Bayanan
- Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for the Conduct of Camp Coordination & Camp Management & Internally Displace Person Training
- Year End Evaluation and Assessment of Staff Performance of GSO
- Meals and Snacks intended for Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan Training and Workshop
- Supply & Delivery of Food and Token for PLMUN 4th Quarter Convocation
- Manage Service & Technology Solutions for the Data Privacy Compliance Program for the City Government of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of 30 pcs toner, HP 107A, cartridge black
- Purchase of various other supplies to be used of Human Milk Bank in City
- Purchase of various Inks/Toners Cartridge to be used by BPLO
- Repair & Maintenance of Photocopier Machines of BPLO
- Accomodation for the Year End Performance Review & Planning Workshop
- Purchase of various parts/materials to be used for the repair and maitenance of Air Conditioning Units and Conference
- Supply & Delivery of Spaghetti Packs to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for the Installation of Air Conditioning Unit at MTC Branch 114, Tunasan
- Purchase of stage decoration and flower arrangement for kasalang bayan
- Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles to be used by different Offices/Departments in City Government of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of various Molecular Diagnostic Laboratories
- Purchase and delivery of 2 pcs heavy equipment tires
- Purchase of Materials for the Gupit para sa Kabuhayan Program of the City
- T-shirt sublimation for Batang Pinoy and Philippine National Games Competition
- Purchase & Installation of Aircon unit in SAGIP ng Muntinlupa
- Purchase of One (1) Unit of Bone Grinder and One (1) Unit of Vaccum Packaging Machine for Animal Crematorium
- Year End Accomplishment reporting and evaluation of the city peace and order council for CY 2023
- Purchase of Meals for the Distribution of Social Pension Program for Indigent Senior Citizens
- Request for Venue & Food for the conduct of Camp Coordination and Camp Management and Internally Displace Person (CCCM-IDPs)
- Purchase of vegetables seedlings and other gardening materials
- Meals for the celebration of Araw ng Mangingisda
- Purhase of Meals for Kasalang Bayan on December 7, 2023
- Purchase of Meals, Prizes and Tokens for year-end assessment of PNP personnel
- Rental of Lights, Sound and LED wall for Muntinlupa Day Celebration 2023
- Request of Meals for Meetings & Seminars relative to the implementation of Katipunan ng Liping Pilipina (KALIPI)
- 3D Printer as prize for the 2023 Muntinlupa City Robotics Fair and Exibits
- Purchase of Meals for Muntinlupa Business Advisory Council
- Design, Supply, Delivery & Installation of Christmas Decorations at the City Hall Main Bldg. Putatan
- Supply & Delivery of Pack Meals & Snacks for the Conduct of Rapid Damage Assessment & Needs Analysis Training for DDRM, other LGU, National Agencies & Barangay representatives
- Renovation of Ayala Health Center at Brgy. Alabang
- Purchase of supplies and equipment to be used for disaster mitigation and prevention of ESC
- Purchase and Delivery of various equipment for the operation and maintenance of various air conditioning units of government offices and facilities from District I and II, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of various supplies to be used in preparation for the 2024 Business Permit Renewal
- Purchase of various supplies to be used in preparation for the 2024 Business Permit Renewal
- Purchase of Personalized letter windows envelope
- Purchase of Meals/Food Packs to be used by ESC for Araw ng Kamanggagawa
- Purchase of meals for the Urban Poor Solidarity Day on December 7, 2023
- Purchase of Anahaw Poles and Bamboo Poles Big
- Additional supplies for Year End Report and BIR requirement of Accounting Department
- Supplies and office needs for the use of COMELEC Muntinlupa
- Purchase of goods for the prizes for MAPALAD Reintegreation Program participants
- Purchase of Medical Supplies for the regular operations of Bahay Kanlungan
- Supply & Delivery of Food Packs & Whole Grain Rice for the Nutritional Supplementation of 800 Target Families
- Request of Meals for the 2023 Muntinlupa City Robotics Fair and Exhibits
- Meals for the distribution of Pamaskong Handog 2023 for constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Construction of MIS Server Room at Muntinlupa City Hall Brgy. Putatan
- Installation of Office Cabinet at City Planning & Development Office, Annex Building Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Construction of Drainage System & Road Upgrading at Buendia St., Tunasan
- Supply & Delivery of Mineral Water Slim Container with Water Sticker to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Rice for various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of meal and snack for the conduct of forum with the students for programs on Intensified IEC Campaign on Drug Prevention Project (KIDLAT, Barkada, Kontra Droga, SUPERS)
- Supply & Delivery of Christmas Giveaways for Distribution by the Office of the Mayor
- Supply & Delivery of Hematology Analyzer for Super Health Center
- Supply & Delivery of Rice to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Ampoules & Vilas to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment Furniture & Fixtures for the use of various Offices
- Purchase of Meals to be used at the various activities for the Barangay/SK Election, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Advanced Life Support (ALS) Ambulance
- Supply & Delivery of 1 unit Customized Search & Rescue Vehicle
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for various Schools in Muntinlupa
- Request for Venue & Meals for the Conduct of Review & Updating of Plans for Children
- Construction of Overhead Tanks at District 1 & 2 Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of 4 Motorcycles for use of DDRM
- Request of Meals for Meetings & Seminars of Inang Naulila sa Anak (INA)
- Purchase of Meals for the various Meetings & Deminar of Pag-Asa Youth Association of the Philippines by SSD
- Purchase of various Supplies to be used in support to the Function of BPLO
- Purchase of Packed Meals for the President's Night
- Purchase of Meals for New Year's Toast 2024
- Supply & Delivery of Personal Protective Equipment
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for various Schools in Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of various Medicines to be used by Cupang & Lakeview Super Health Center
- Supply & Installation of Air Conditioning Units to be used by PNP
- Purchase of Sound System Equipment for Muntinlupa Training & Resource Center for Women Gender & Development Office
- Purchase of 60 Pail of Taho to be given/donated to Constituents
- Purchase of various Materials for the Temporary Housing of Rapid Composting Machine from MMDA
- Purchase of Food Packs to be given to MAPALAD Reintegration Program Participants
- Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of additional 3 Stations of Rain Gauge (Cupang, Alabang & Poblacion)
- Supply & Delivery of Juice & Cupcakes to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Construction of Skating & Recreational Park at Brgy. Tunasan
- Purchase of various Medical/Laboratory Supplies for Lakeview & Cupang Super Health Center
- Supply, Delivery, & Installation of Christmas Lights & Decorations at the City Quadrangle
- Purchase of various Toners & Ink to be used by CHO
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning Units for Students Center for Life Skills & various Schools
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used at Cupang & Lakeview Health Center
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Chemistry Laboratory Furniture & Fixtures for Colegio De Muntinllupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Upgraded Biometrics OPCEN Security
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Outdoor LEDWALL for Digital Information Dissemination in Muntinlup City
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Muntinlupa City High-End Computer Workstations for Operations Center/Call Dispatch & CCTV Monitoring
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Muntinlupa City High-End Computer Workstations for Operations Center/Call Takers/Dispatch & CCTV Monitoring
- Purchase of Meals for the Muntinlupa Chorale Festival to be incurred by TCAD
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Christmas Lanters & Repair, Maintenance, Fabrication & Improvement with in Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Motor Vehicles for use of various Offices
- Purchase of Meals and Rental of Venue for the 18 day Campaign to Eliminate Violence Against Women & Children
- Catering Service for Year End Planning/ Assessment of Office of the City Mayor
- Purchase of Meals for Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
- Catering Services for Muntinlupa Celebration 2023
- Supply & Delivery of Tents in front of the Main Bldg. CHO Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Advertising Materials to be incurred by TCAD
- Purchase of Meals for the OPLAN Undas 2023
- Purchase of Reading Eye Glasses as part of our Social & Economic Assistance Program
- Request of Meals for Accreditors, VIP Guest, Stakeholders, Participants and Committee member during ALCUCOA Accreditation
- Construction of Makeshifts at Voting Center in District 1 & 2
- Purchase of Desktop Computer for Support to its Operation by BPLO
- Purchase of ICT Peripherals for the Upgrade & Replacement of Computer Hardware
- Supply & Delivery of Smart TVs for various Schools in Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Food Relief for Stockpiling & Prepositioning Disaster Affected Families in Muntinlupa
- Purchase of additional Raffle Prizes for the Muntinlupa Day Celebration 2023
- Purchase of Materials for the Repair & Maintenance of Motor Vehicle
- Purchase of various Supplies & Materials for Competing in Luzon Leg, National Finals Tournament
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures
- Repair & Maintenance of Generator Unit at OSMUN
- Repair of Comfort Rooms at PLMUN Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog (5-kilo Rice) to be given to Senior Citizens of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Supplies & Materials to be used for various Training Programs at MCTI
- Purchase of Materials & Equipment for Livelihood Skills on Meat & Fish Processing
- Supply & Delivery of Camera Equipment & Accessories for the Mayor's Communication Team
- Printing of various IEC Materials, Receipts, Forms & Tickets for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Machineries & Equipment for the Regular Operation of Bahay Kanlungan
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies & Materials to be used for the Training of various Courses Offered in MCTI
- Rehabilitation of Water Supply System at Pacwood Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Venue & Meals Package for the Conduct of Capability Development Training
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Furniture & Fixtures & Cabinets for the Visitor's Lounge at Mayor's Office Lobby
- Construction of Drainage System at Block 10A Purok I Bayanan
- Rental of Lights & Sounds for the Buwan ng Kooperatiba
- Supply & Delivery of 16 units of Motorcycles to be used by MTMB
- Energization/Electrification at Balai Munti Housing at Brgy. Putatan
- Supply, Delivery, Installation & Configuration of ICT Equipment, Cabling for MIS Server Room Extension
- Renewal & Procurement of various Software Subscription for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Air Conditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for the various Offices of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Materials & Kitchen Equipment
- Printing of Letterhead, Forms, Brochures, Receipts, Booklets, Certification & Lamp Post Banner/Tarpaulin
- Construction of Covered Court Sidewalk Roofing at Baywalk Bayanan
- Supply, Delivery & Maintenance of General Pest Control with Mosquito Traps at Muntinlupa Sports Center, Tunasan & Plaza Central Building Poblacion
- Supply, Delivery, Installation, Reorganization & Recabling of OpCen LAN Cables
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Advancement of Citywide CCTV with Analysis (License Plate Recognition) in Muntinlupa
- Construction of Visitor's Lounge at Mayor's Office Lobby, 2nd Floor City Hall Main Bldg. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Loboratory Equipment to be used by PLMUN College of Medicine
- Pest Control Services to be used at Alabang Central Market
- Repair & Maintenance of Water Tanker Assigned at Motorpool
- Meals for Peoples Coordinating & Monitoring Office
- Repair, Replacement & Installation of Parts for Ultrasound Machine
- Repair & Maintenance of Cremation Machine to be used by CADO
- Supply & Delivery of Motorcycles for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Rice for the Employees of the City Government of Muntinlupa & Other Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Duplo Ink for Duplo Machine
- Supply & Delivery of Food Packs for Solo Parents Feeding Program & Gift Packs for Urban Poor Solidarity Day
- Construction of Drainage System at L & B II Compound Alabang
- Supply & Delivery of 5-Gallon Slim Water Container
- Construction of SSD Warehouse/Storage Facility Pjhase 1 at Tunasan
- Purchase of 10 pcs. Kyocera Toner TK-3165 for Ecosys M3145DN
- Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog for the Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Construction of Drainage System at L & B I Compound Alabang
- Supply & Delivery of Desktop Computers for various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Food & USe of Function Room for the PLEB & Brgy. PLEB Desk of Muntinlupa City Cum Year End Performance Assessment
- Purchase of Cutomized Shirts & Umbrellas for Advocacy & Observance for the National Children's Month
- Purchase of various Goods to be Donated/Given to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Medical Equipment to be used by OSMUN
- Purchase of Laundry Basket with Handle to be given to various Constituents by the Office of Councilor Hilapo
- Request of Meals for the Conduct of Technical Assistance to Members of Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC)
- Purchase of Souvenirs/Giveaways for the Pride, Not Prejudice, the LGBTQIA Summit 2023
- Purchase & Delivery of Supplies for the Repair & Maintenance of Fire Detection & Alarm System (FDAS) at Resiliency Building
- Purchase of various Supplies Tools & Equipment for Maintenance of Muntinlupa Aquatic Center
- Renovation of Gender Responsive Comfort Rooms at City Hall Main Bldg. Putatan
- Supply & Delivery of Goods for the Project: Senior Serving Seniors
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Purchase of Tarpaulins & Customized Polo Shirt for the Family Week Celebration by SSD
- Supply & Installation of Tents at Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Purchase of various & Materials for 2nd Mayor Ruffy Biazon Cup as part of Competing in Luzon Leg & National Final Tournaments
- Purchase of Materials for the Reapair & Maintenance of OSCA Bus with plate number ZF5136 & SJX925
- Purchase of Solar Lights to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa City by Councilor Marissa Rongavilla
- Supply & Delivery of Home Appliances to be used as Raffle Prizes for the Muntinlupa Day Celebration
- Procurement of Consultancy Services for the Preparation of All Offices of the City Government of Muntinlupa for ISO 9001-2015 Certification
- Printing Personalized ID Lace & Tarpaulin for 8th Sonny Ty International Gymnastics Cup
- Purchase of Materials to be used for 2023 Barangay & Sangguniang Kabataan
- Purchase of Goods to be given/donated for Tulong Kalusugan to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Vehicle Parts of Isuzu Flexi Truck Service Vehicle with plate number SLD732 issued to CADO
- Repair, Maintenance & Replacement of Parts of Existing Isuzu Truck with plate number SLD606 for Disaster Response & Emergency Related Activities of SSD
- Preventive Maintenance Service for Elevator at Plaza Central, CDM & Museo ng Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Meals for Senator Angara Cup 2023
- Purchase of Meals for Batang Munti Ready-Phase 2 (Hazard Mapping & Community Risk Assessment) by YASDO
- Purchase of Meals for the Training on Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (Severely Acute 100 & Moderately Acute Malnutrition)
- Meals for the Buwan ng Kooperatiba
- Purchase of Meals for the Conduct of Peace & Order & Public Sagety Plan Implementation Monitoring System
- Installation of Aluminum Glass Partition Wall & Water Connection Materials in Student Center for Life Connection Materials in Student Center for Life
- Purchase of Meals & Snacks for various Trainings for Treatment & Rehabilitation Program of DAPCO
- Purchase of Additional Handcuffs to Cater the Number of PDL
- Printing of T-Shirt & Tarpaulin for Senator Angara Cup
- Purchase of Medicines & Materials to be use for the Libreng Tuli Program
- Purchase of Medicine to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Pork Ham as Pamaskong Handog to be distributed to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Supplies & Materials to be use for the Urban Garden Training Program at MCTI
- Purchase & Installation of Movable Basketball Board with Stand & Caster Wheel to be given to Constituents of R.C.E. Homeowners Association, Inc. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for the various Offices of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of various Drugs & Medicines to be allocated to different Health Centers
- Purchase of 6 set Tires for Service Vehicle Isuzu NPR Euro IV
- Purchase of other Supplies for "Senator Angara Cup 2023"
- Purchase of meals for Mobile Blood Donation & Advocacy Activities for the Month of October to December by CHO
- Purchase of 40 pail/lot of Taho to be given/donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of 5 Carts of Copier Toner
- Purchase of Meals for the Celebration of Family Week
- Purchase of T-Shirts to be used by Assigned Personnel During various Activities
- Purchase of Meals & Snacks for DAPC Week Celebration
- Purchase of Reading Eye Glasses to be given to various Constituents by the Office of Councilor Hilapo
- Purchase of various Laboratory Supplies to be used specifically for HoribalLAQUA Ion Meter
- Purchase of Meals for 8th International Gymnastic Cup
- Construction of Milk Bank Facility at Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Rehabilitation of 3HP Submersible Pump at Student Center Bldg., PLMUN, NBP Reservation Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Request of Meals for the various Meetings of Muntinlupa City Council for the Protection of Children
- Purchase & Delivery of Supplies for the Mechanical Works (Clutch System Repair) of Hino Water Tanker ZF7184
- Purchase & Delivery of Supplies for the Mechanical Works (Clutch System Repair) of Hino Water Tanker JM3894
- Purchase of Meals to be served in the upcoming Ethics & Compliance in the Workplace Seminar
- Repair & Maintenance of various Motor Vehicles of BPLO
- Supply & Delivery of Nutri Packs & Whole Grain Rice for 350 Malnourished Children in 8 Barangays
- Supply & Delivery of First Aid & Disaster Preparedness Kit for the Training of Disaster Preparedness Program
- Purchase of Meals for the Conduct of Meeting & Activities of Solo Parents in defferent Barangays in Muntinlupa City
- Supply, Installation & Configuration of Infrastructure Cabling at Central Records Storage & Supply Center (PACWOOD), Tunasan
- Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for Seminars & Training to be Conducted by the City Police Station
- Hotel Accommodation Intended for the Earthquake Contingency Planning Training & Workshop for CDM & PLMUN
- Purchase of Snacks to be served during the Oathtaking Ceremony of Officials of various Organizations
- Meals & Snacks Intended for the Earthquake Contingency Planning Training & Workshop for CDM & PLMUN Personnel by DDRM
- Procurement of Customized Sublimated Polo Shirt for Delegations & Working Committees of Palarong Pambansa 2023
- Purchase of various Common Computer Supplies for use of MIS
- Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment to be used by OSMUN
- Training Materials intended for the Earthquake Contingency Planning Training & Workshop for CDM & PLMUN Personnel
- Purchase of Snacks for the Monile Breast Cancer Examination & the Screening in Four Barangays in Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Snacks for the Mobile Breast Cancer Examination & the Screening in Four Barangays in Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Laboratory Supplies to be used Specifically for Merk Spectro quant Prove 300
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of 2 Units of Mobile Kitchen for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti Feeding Program
- Purchase & Installation of Basketball Board with Ring at Solidong ACERO Youth Organization, Cupang, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Materials for Drainage Canal Cover at Umali Compound Summitville Putatan
- Purchase of various Supplies to be used in the Office of the Coun. Raul Corro
- Fabrication of Steel Gate & Construction of Concrete Stair & Walkway at Muntinlupa Elem. School Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Cardiac Marker/Covid Panel Analyzer Reagent Tie-Up
- Purchase of Hemoglobin Monitoring System-Blood Bank
- Supply & Delivery of Blood Collection Tubes, Blood Bag Donor & Capillary Blood Glucose Strips (CBG) Analyzer Reagent Tie-Up
- Purchase of Reading Eye Glasses to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase for the Repair & Maintenance of GAD Service Vehicle (SAA 8105)
- Purchase of Tent as part of our Social & Economic Assistance Program
- Purchase of Art Kits to be given to the Children with Disability by PDAO
- Purchase of various Brochures & Flyers to be used in various Activity of CHO
- Purchase of Sports Materials as part of our Social & Economic Assistance Program
- Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be used by OSCA
- Purchase of Meals to be used in Entrepreneurial Training Debt Management & Basis Book Keeping
- Purchase of Training Kits to be used in Entrepreneurial Training Debt Management & Basic Bookkeeping
- Manhole Covers Repair Works at 101-103 San Guillermo Prk. 6 Brgy. Bayanan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Non-Food Items Hygiene & Sleeping Kits for Stockpiling & Prepositioning
- Supply, Delivery Installation & Configuration of Infrastructure Cabling at Labang Central Market (Bldg. A & B) & Integration of Wi-Fi Access Points at CDM
- Preventive Maintenance Service for Elevator at Annex Building City Hall Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Blood Culture Broth with ARD Bottle Tie-Up & Antibiotic Susceptibility Antibiotic Disc for Microbiology
- Purchase & Delivery of Supplies for the Calibration & Maintenance of Local Weather Monitoring Stations at Sucat & Tunasan
- Purchase for the Food & Venue on PESO Association of Metro Manila (PAMMM) Meeting
- Purchase of Materials for the Livelihood Skills Training on Organic Soap Making
- Purchase of Loaf Bread to be Given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purhase of various Water Laboratory Supplies to be used for various CHO Water Laboratory
- Purchase of Meals for Scholarship Coordinators Meeting and Planning
- Purchase of Medicines & Materials to be use for the Libreng Tuli Program
- Purchase of various Goods to be Donated/Given to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of various Sports Materials to be given to various Constituents
- Purchase & Delivery of Supplies for the Replacement of Defective & Busted Lights Convinience Outlet at Museo ng Muntinlupa Laguerta Tunasan
- Purchase of Projector & Motorized Screen to be used at the AVR
- Purchase of Solar Light for Tulong Kaligtasan Program to be Donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Instant Noodles & 3 in 1 Coffee to various Constituents
- Purchase of Meals for Systems Development & Installation, Leadership Skills & Development Seminar & Financial Management Seminar by UPAO
- Repair & Improvement of Existing Open Canal Drainage System at Navarro's Compound Soldiers Hills Village Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Installation of Submersible Pump for Back-Up Water Supply at Sucat Senior High School Muntinlupa
- Repair of Court Gutter & Parapet Cover at Kagitingan Mutual Homes 3 Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Meals for Allowance Distribution Volunteers & Staff by MSD Office
- Purchase of Drugs and Medicines Re: Libreng Vitamins para kay Lolo at Lola
- Renovation of Mayor's Communication Office at City Hall Main Building Brgy. Putatan Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Parts & Repair & Maintenance of Motor Vehicle
- Purchase and Delivery of Meals and Snacks for the Training of Disaster Preparedness Program
- Repair and Maintenance of Hospital and Health Centers within City of Muntinlupa Replacement of New PhilHealth Signage
- Purchase of Blank PVC Card to be Used at the Senior Citizens Affairs
- Purchase of Various Items as part of Social and Economic Assistance Program of the Office of Councilor Tadefa
- Purchase of Meals for the Infant & Young Child Feeding at Putatan Health Center Conference
- Structural Investigation of City Hall Main Building in relation to improving its Resiliency
- Rehabilitation of Water Supply System at Museo ng Muntinlupa Centennial Ave., Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies, Materials & Rescue Equipment intended for Muntinlupa Aquatic Center
- Installation of Steel Matting Fence at Students Center for Life Skills Building Laguerta Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of various Meals Supplies to be used for Breastfeeding and First 1000 Days Forum
- Purchase of Tarpaulin and T-Shirt for Boys and Girls Week 2023
- Purchase and Delivery of Various Materials for the Upgrading of HPS Streetlight Head to LED Lights at Susan Heights Access Road, Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Nebulizer to be given to Various constituents by the Office of Councilor Hilapo
- Purchase of Umbrella and Water Tumbler to be given to Various Constituents by the Office of Councilor Hilapo
- Purchase of Various Supplies for the Regular Maintenance of Track Oval
- Purchase of Meals for Boys & Girls Week
- Purchase of Meals and Snacks for the DDR on wheels: Mobile Learning Hub for Disaster Preparedness
- Purchase of Various Equipment to be Used by Muntinlupa Population and Development Office
- Purchase of Various Supplies to be Used by Urban Gardening Seminar for Women to be held at City Demo Farm
- Purchase of Data Base Software for the Womb to Work Program & Muntinlupa Yakap City Program
- Network Security Licenses for the Protection & Prevention of Threats & the like on All Systems, Applications & Software of the City Government of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of 1 Unit Delivery Table & Operating Lamp, 4 LED Bulb for Lying-In Clinic
- Purchase & Installation of 6pcs Tires for 2017 Toyota Coaster with Plate No. AOC 899
- Purchase of Various Agricultural Supplies to be Used in Establishment of 1 Seedlings
- Purchase of Motorcycle Rain Coat
- Leveling & Concreting Works for Road Widening at Lakeview Integrated School Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of COVID-19 Rapid Test Kits
- Purchase of Juice & Cupcakes to be given to various Constituents by the Office of Councilor Baes
- Purchase of Tuna Flakes in Oil & Corned Beef to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Air-conditioning Units for Use of Various Offices
- Purchase of Various Laboratory Supplies to be Used Specifically for GBC XplorAA AAS
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Air-conditioning Units for use of various Offices
- Repair of Drainage System at Purok 10 Sto. Niño Aplaya Brgy. Poblacion
- Repair of Drainage System at 272 Geremillo St. Purok 2 Cupang, Muntinlupa City
- Rental of Lights, Sounds & LED for PLMUN
- Purchase of APC Replacement Battery Cartridge with UPC for use of MIS
- Purchase of Goods to be given/donated to Organizations/Individuals Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Goods for the observance of the National Children's Month
- Purchase of 593 bxs of Noodles to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Pack of Pancit Canton, Miswa & Lomi
- Purchase of Personalized Tumbler with personalized print, Personalized Mug with personalized Print & Personalized Eco Bag
- Purchase of 3,500 bxs of Juice to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Whole Chicken to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Office Supplies & Equipment for Use of Various Offices
- Procurement of Civil Engineering Structural, Bridge & Soil Design Software
- Conduct of Seminar Workshop on Outcome-Based Education for CDM Faculty Members (Venue & Meals)
- Supply & Delivery of Sound System & Accessories to be used by Mayor's Office
- Meals for the Gender Sensitivity Training (GST) for First Year Students
- Supply & Delivery of Molecular Laboratory Materials to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Pulmonary Consumables, Ventilator Tubings & other Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Printing of Tarpaulin to be used for various Activities/Events of the City
- Purchase of various Parts for the Repair of PLMUN Service Vehicle
- Purchase of Meals for the Education-Industry (E-I) Forum at Museo ng Muntinlupa
- Purchase of various Materials for the Repair of Injectors & Replacement of Detective Parts of Rescue Vehicle
- Supply & Delivery of Pulmonary Consumables, Ventilator Tubings & other Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Fingerprint Scanners for Biometricts
- Supply & Delivery of Janitorial Supplies to be used by PLMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for the Conduct of Seminar Entitled "Values Orientation Workshop (V.O.W.) & GAD Enrichment Learning
- Retrofitting, Rehabilitation & Restoration of various Offices (DAPCO, BPLO, 4Ps & Architects Office) in Muntinlupa City Hall
- Purchase of Data Base Software for the Womb to Work Program & Muntinlupa Yakap City Program
- Meals for Empowerment Training of 150 KABUKLOD
- Purchase of Materials for Empowerment Training of 150 Kabuklod Members
- Construction & Rehabilitation of STP at Muntinlupa Public Market in Brgy. Alabang
- Supply & Delivery of Duplicator Machine for various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Rice
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Fiber Optic Network Centralized Connectivity & Internet Access for Muntinlupa City Health Facilities
- Purchase of various Seeds & other Agriculture Supplies to be used for Seeds & Seedling Distribution
- Purchase of other Supplies for 2023 Flavors of NCR
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Fiber Optic Network Centralized Connectivity & Internet Access for Muntinlupa City Health Facilities
- Construction of Road & Drainage Leading to Bahay Kanlungan *Elderly Home Care) Emerald Hills Victoria, Brgy. Tunasan
- Supply, Repacking & Delivery of School Supplies for all ECED Students in Muntinlupa City
- Renewal of the Service Maintenance & Security of the City Government of Muntinluypa's Domain & Web Hosting Services
- Purchase of various Tarpaulins at Vaccination Sites, to increase & update the Information of Constituents regarding Covid-19 during Pandemic
- Supply & Delivery of Medical, Dental & Laboratory Supplies for use of CHO & YASDO
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Air Conditioning Units for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Micronutrient Powder
- Supply & Delivery of Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG) Analyzer Reagent Tie-Up, Blood Collection Tubes & Blood Bags for use of OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Rental of Stage Design & LED Wall, Package for the 2nd Commencement Exercise & NSTP Graduation of CDM
- Rental of Tent for the 2nd Commencement Exercises & NSTP Graduation of CDM
- Construction of Canopy Roofing 42 meters x 1.10 meters at Bruger Subd., Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Construction of Half Court Roofing at Integrated Citizen of Upper Sucat-South, Sucat, Muntinlupa City
- Installation of FCU & ACCU & Electrical Works at the Conference Room of Comelec Office
- Purchase of Meals for First Aid & Basic Life Support Training
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of National Instrument Hardware & Software for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Subscription to MATLAB Computer Software for CDM
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of 30 units Digital Copier with GDI & Color Scanning for various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for various Schools in Muntinlupa City
- Request for the Graduation Ball Package for CDM Graduating Students
- Fabrication, Supply, Delivery & Installation of various Furniture & Fixtures
- Meals for "Wemboree Muntinlupa 6:0 Disaster Resiliency Youth Camp 2023
- Purchase of Materials for the Program Invitation, Diploma & Plaques for the 2nd Commencement Exercises of CDM
- Rental of Sound System for Schools Completion & Graduation Rites
- Purchase of Meals/Snacks for the Muntinlupa City Task Force on Squatting Prevention
- Concreting of Alleys & Construction of Trench Canals at Laguerta Centennial Village Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Request for Venue & Food for the GAD 101 & Seminar on Sexual Harrasment in the Workplace
- Recollection Package for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Conference Sound System Set
- Printing of various Forms to be used by Office of the Building Official
- Printing of IEC Materials
- Purchase of various Supplies for First Aid & Basic Life Support Training
- Printing of Yearbook for the CDM Graduating Class of 2023 by CDM
- Purchase & Installation of Air Conditioning Unit at the Conference Room of Comelec Office Southpark Mall Alabang, Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Loaf Bread to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Reasing Eye Glasses to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Instant Mami Noodles to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of various Goods for Tulong Kalusugan to be donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa by Office of Councilor Bagatsing
- Purchase of Cutomized ID Lace by CHRMD
- Purchase of meals for the Ingress, Final Rehearsal, Actual 2nd Commencement Exercises & NSTP Graduation in CDM
- Repair & Maintenance of E-Trike assigned in SSD
- Purchase of Prepaid Cards to be Donated/Given to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Rifle for NSTP-ROTC to be use for Donning of Ranks & Presentation of Sponsors
- Construction of Canopy Roofing at OSCA Bayanan Baywalk, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Medals for Distribution & Donation to both Public & Private Schools
- Supply & Delivery of Non-Food Item: Family Kit for Stockpiling & Prepositioning
- Supply & Delivery of Non-Food Items: Kitchen Kit for Stockoiling & Prepositioning
- Purchase of Mineral Water Slim Container with Water & Sticker
- Purchase of Learning Management System for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Printed Scantron Test Answer Sheet for Examination
- Construction of Steel Fence 150M x 120M at Muntinlupa Sports Center Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Singlet & Giveaways for the "Takbo Tatay Takbo" an event for Father's Day
- Purchase of Storage Upgrade of City Official Web Domain
- Subscription of Webhosting Dedicated Server for PLMUN Website
- Supply & Delivery of various Dietary Food Supplements
- Purchase of Anti-Rabies Vaccine to be used by the Office of the City Veterinarian
- Purchase of meals to be served for the Takbo Tatay Takbo a Fun Run Activity for Father's Day
- Supply, Delivery, Installation & Configuration of the Subscription to SSL Certificate for PLMUN Website
- Supply & Delivery of PLMUN Firewall Subscription
- Supply & Delivery of Heavy Duty Fabricated Equipment for Disaster Response Relief Operations
- Purchase of various Forms & Tarpaulin to be used in variouos Programs
- Repair & Reconditioning of Aircon Units Installed at the Center Court of Muntinlupa Sports Complex
- Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Cadaver Bag, Consumable Supplies, Examination & Surgical Gloves to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Anesthesia Machine to be used by OSMUN
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for the use of various Offices
- Purchase of Meals for the Allowance Dsitribution Volunteers & Staff
- Supply & Delivery of Office & ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Purchase of Meals for Cooperative Mass Oath Taking
- Purchase of Meals for the Conduct of Children Assembly
- Replacement of Wall Cladding Facade at Muntinlupa City Hall, Brgy. Putatan
- Purchase of various Meals for the Voluntary Blood Services Program
- Purchase of Gadoteric Acid to be used by OSMUN
- Purchase of Cardiac Marker/Covid Panel Analyzer Reagent Tie-Up
- Purchase of Blood Culture Broth with ARD Bottie Tie-Up & Antibiotic Susceptibility Disc
- Meals (AM & PM Snacks for Documentation & Validation) for the training & Workshop in Search for the Most Resilient Barangay
- Repainting of Canopy, Flooring Lobby, Media Room, Lobby Elevator at Hall of Justice Compound Resilience Building, Susana Heights Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Meals for Sports Clinic & Sports Festival
- Purchase of Meals for "Kabataang Munti Ready ang may Alam" Phase 1
- Purchase of Fentanyl Citrate to be used at OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Duplo Ink to be used for PLMUN forms & Examinations
- Purchase of Megaphone & Rechargeable Flood Light to be used by the Security Officers in Public Schools & other Offices
- Installation of Steel Gate, Fence & Roofing at Health Center Annex Bayanan, Muntinlupa City
- Materials for the Training & Workshop in search for the Most Resilient Barangay
- Printing of Tarpaulin & T-Shirt for Kabataang Munti Ready ang may Alam Phase 1
- Purchase of Meals for Performing Arts Workshop
- Purchase & Delivery of Materials for the Repair of Hi-Wall & Ceiling Casette Aircon at Museo ng Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Philippine Flags & other Materials to be used in the Celebration of 125th Philippine Independence Day
- Purchase of various Furniture & Fixtures to be used as SP-Secretariat
- Purchase of Clinical Chemistry Reagent Tie-Up
- Printing of various IEC Materials to be used by PCO
- Purchase of various other Sujpplies for "Kabataang Munti Ready ang may Alam" Phase 1
- Procurement of Security Paper for Printing of Certificate of Enrollment & other Documents of CDM's Registrar
- Purchase of Pancit Bihon to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Mineral Water Slim Container with Water & Sticker to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Repair & Maintenance of Elevator
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Digital Broadcasting Studio Phase 2 for CDM
- Printing of Business Permit, Certificates, Forms, Permit Card, Sintra Board, Letterhead & Materials for the use of various Offices
- Full Board Meals for the Training & Workshop in search for the Most Resilient Barangay
- Replacement & Repair of Parts for the Engine Pump of DDRM Fire Truck
- Installation of Submersible Pump at MNHS (Senior High School), NBP Reservation, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Toners & Drums for the Copier Machines of DDRM
- Purchase of Whole Fresh Chicken to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase for the Materials & Equipment for Livelihood Skills on Dried Water Lily Weaving
- Purchase of Meals on Livelihood Skills Training on Dried Water Lily Weaving
- Purchase of various Goods to be distributed to Constituents & various Associations in Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Linen Supplies to be used at Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Trophies & Medals to be given to various Constituents
- Purchase of Juice & Cupcakes to be given to Constituents as part of Burial Assistance
- Repair & General Overhauling of Flexi Truck with Plate Number SLD 732
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Purchase of IV Fluids to be used by OSMUN
- Purchase of Tetra Pack Juice & Cupcakes
- Purchase of Meals for Peoples Coordinating & Monitoring Office for the Leadership Skills Training
- Purchase of Meals for the Conduct of Appreciation Seminar & Orientation on Emerging Technologies for the City Government of Muntinlupa Heads
- Supply & Delivery of Ultrasound & Neonatal Incubator
- Purchase of Meals on Gawad Ulirang Ina 2023
- Rehabilitation of Water Supply System at Bayanan Elem. School Unit 1, Bayanan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Sports Attire for PLMUN Athletes
- Purchase of Solar Light to be given to various Constituents
- Supply & Delivery of Monobloc Chairs & Tables to be used at the Mayor's Office Libreng Hiram Program
- Supply & Delivery of Sports Materials to be used in Muntinlupa Track & Field Oval
- Purchase of Supplies & Office needs in preparation for the upcoming Brgy. & SK Election in Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Printing of Tarpaulin & T-Shirt for Batang Masunurin-Road Safety Training
- Purchase of various Chemical Supplies to be used in Muntinlupa Aquatic Center
- Purchase of Cabinets & Steel Tent Top Cover for the use of CADO
- Purchase of Monobloc Chairs & Foldable Tables for use by the Office of Councilor Jedidiah Presnedi
- Purchase of Philippine Flags, Muntinlupa City Flags & Barangay Flags for various Offices, AVR, Public Market & Function Rooms
- Purchase of other Supplies for Batang Masunurin-Road Safety Training
- Purchase of various Goods to be donated/given to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Office & ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment & Computer Peripherals to be used by Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Reflectorized Vest
- Purchase of Peripheral Vasodilators & Cerebral Activators to be used at OSMUN
- Purchase of various Agricultural & Supplies to be used in the Development & Maintenance of Our City Demo Farm
- Purchase of various Agricultural & Supplies to be used in Conduct of Kratky Hydroponics Technology Training to 4 Prioritized Farmer Organizations & City Demo Farm
- Purchase of various Vaccines to Improve the Health Status of Clients Treatment
- Purchase of various Equipment to be used on Water Laboratory of CHO
- Procurement of Meals & Snacks for the Training on Katatagan, Kalusugan at Damayan sa Komunidad (KKDK) Intensive Intervention for Person's Deproved of Liberty
- Rental of Lights & Sounds for the Launching of Pamanang Nakaka Proud
- Supply & Delivery of Office & ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Purchase of Meals for Batang Munti, Masunurin Road Safety Training
- Supply & Delivery of Bond Papers for Institutional Assessment
- Purchase of Loaf Bread to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Construction of JRF Senior Home Care Phase 2 at Victoria Homes Brgy. Tunasan
- Supply & Delivery of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Equipment for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grand Piano to be used by Museo ng Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Meals for "Batang Munti Ready-Phase 1 Disaster Resiliency Training
- Purchase of Laser Distance Meter to be used by the Office of the Building Official
- Purchase of Printing of Tarpaulin & T-Shirt for Batang Munti Ready Phase 1 Disaster Resiliency Training
- Purchase of Umbrellas & Water Tumblers to be distributed to various Constituents
- Meals for 2023 10 Most Outstanding Students Awarding
- Purchase of Sevoflurane Wet Formulation to be used at OSMUN
- Purchase of Souvenirs for 2023 10 Most Outstanding Students
- Request for Rental of Lights & Sounds Services for 2023 10 Most Outstanding Students Celebration
- Termite Control & Treatment in Laguerta Health Center
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning System for use of various Offices
- Purchase of 80 Pail of Taho to be given/donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Basketball & Volleyball to be given to various Youth Members & Officers
- Purchase of Pancit Canton, Miswa & Lomi to be given/donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Basketball & Volleyball to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Training Expense for Youth Leadership & Accountability Seminar for Youth Leaders & SK Aspirants
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Supply & Installation of Signages/Markers & Office Partitions at Malasakit Center OSMUN Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Xpert HIV-1 Viral Load, CE IVD
- Supply & Delivery of Disinfectants & Insecticides as Measures in Dengue Prevention/Control
- Supply & Delivery of Ultra Low Volume (ULV) Fogging Machione & Oil-Proof High Performance Sprayer
- Rehabilitataion of Water Supply System at Resiliency Building Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Rehabilitation of Playground Equipments & Plant Box at Agro Homes Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Improvement of MTMB Office at Ayala Mall South Park Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Installation of Water Supply System at Bayanan Health Center Baywalk Bayanan, Muntinlupa City
- Completion of various Improvement Works at COA Office, City Hall Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Installation of Jetmatic Pump at Purok 1 PNR Site Marquez Compound Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Installation of Water Supply System-Additional at Muntinlupa Sports Center Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Renovation of Vice Mayor's Office, Muntinlupa City Hall
- Supply & Delivery of various Equipment for use of various Offices
- Purchase of CDM, Muntinlupa & Philippine Flags
- Repair/Replacement of Parts & Materials of 2016 Hino RK (M/T) Bus
- Purchase of 2815 units of Mineral Water Slim Container with Water & Sticker
- Purchase of Instant Noodles & 3 in 1 Coffee to be given to various Constituents
- Purchase if various Materials to be use to Libreng Notaryo Program
- Purchase of various Goods to be given to various Constituents
- Printing of Sagip advocacy Materials: Primer ob RA9262, RA9208 & Brochure on OSAEC
- Purchase of Fogging Machine & Solution for Tulong Kalusugan to be Donated/Given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of various Goods to be Donated/Given to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of various School Supplies/Trophy to be Donated/Given to Constitutents of Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Bottled Water Water with Sticker for Tulong Pakikiramay to be Donated/Given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of 5-Gallon Slim Water Containers with Round Faucet
- Meals for the "Womb to Work" Caravan of Ugnayang Kababaihan
- Supply & Delivery of ICT & Office Equipment for use of various Offices
- Rehabilitation of Water Supply System at Poblacion Health Center, Muntinlupa City
- Printing of Tarpaulins, Booklets & letterheads for the use of various Offices
- Purchase of Meals, give aways & Printing of Tarpaulin for Senior Citizens
- Repair & Maintenance of various School Building of ECED
- Supply & Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies for use of various Offices
- Repair of Court Flooring at Bukid Basketball Court Buli Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Bond Paper with Letter Head to be used at Engineering Office
- Purchase of various Forms for National Immunization, Anti-Rabies, Dental & Non Communicable Program
- Sports Materials, requested by Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Purchase of various Meals for Mobile Blood Donation & Advocacy Activities
- Meals for Allowance Distribution by Volunteers & Staff
- Purchase of Meals for the Validation Session & Site Visit of Philippine Commission on Women (PCW)
- Purchase of Pansit Canton, Miswa & Lomi to be given/donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Photocopy & Bookbinding of 12 Copies of Volume 1 & 2 of the 2023 Executive Budget
- Supply & Delivery of Crackers for the Senior Serving Senior
- Construction of Wall for PLMUN Markings at Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
- Installation of Sliding Window Transaction, Installation of Roll up & Frosted Sticker at KMAC Ground Floor City Hall Main Bldg. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Spare Parts & Repair of Flexi Vans of Students Center for Life Skills, Requested by SDO
- Purchase of Consent Forms & Triplicate Copy of Custody & Control Forms to be used by Muntinlupa Drug Testing Laboratory
- Purchase of Solar Light & Solar Panel
- Meals & Accommodation for Capacity Development of Staff, Requested by PESO
- Purchase of Juice & Cupcake to be given to various Constituents by the Office of Councilor Presnedi
- Meals for Graduating Strudents (LEGS) in cooperation with DOLE, requested by PESO/GAD
- Installation of Modular Partitions, Wall Cladding, PVC Foldable Doors, Repainting Works Etc. at COA Office
- Rehabilitation of Water Supply System at OSCA Bayanan
- Installation of Glass Door, Repair of Aircon, Cabinet & Repainting Works at Putatan Lying-In Health Centers Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Meals for Museo Food & Art Fair to be incurred by TCAD
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items para sa Batang may K Program
- Instant Noodles to be given to Constituents
- Supply, Delivery & Repacking of School Supplies for Distribution to Public School Students
- Supply & Delivery of Black Leather Shoes for Distribution to Public School Students
- Various Seeds for Distribution to Mothers Malnourished Children
- Meals for Responsible 18 Month Celebration, requested by YASDO
- Meals for the Muntinlupa Council of Elders requested by OSCA
- Food Supplies for the Homelife needs
- Meals for Muntinlupa Yakap City Program for MIDEC
- Supply & Delivery of Janitorial & Other Supplies for use of various Offices
- Continuous Supply of Ink with Free use of Printers for Ospital ng Muntinlupa 2023
- Meals for the 6th Founding Anniversary of Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Tokens & Materials for GAD Activity requested by CDM
- Materials for the Construction of Stage for CDM's 6th Founding Anniversary
- Meals for Ugnayan & Bahaginan for Info Dissemination
- Meals for the Professionalism in the Workplace & Gender-Fair Language 101
- Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for the Abandoned/Neglected Senior Citizen & Person with Psychological Disability in Social Development Center (Tiosejo)
- Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for the Home Life Needs of Social Development Center (Lakeview)
- Meals for Women's Day Out Caravan
- Subscription of Journals & Magazines for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Entrance Examination Materials for CDM
- Meals Requested by the OSCA
- Printing of Annual Accomplishment Report Magazine
- Meals for the Professionalism in the Workplace & Gender-Fair Language 101
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Furniture, Cabinet & Architectural Finishes for Muntinlupa City Public Market Admin Office
- Installation of Wall Cladding, Flooring Works, Ceiling, Repainting, Electrical, Aircon Repair & Installation of Frosted Vinyl Sticker at Procurement Office 2nd Floor Main Building, City Hall Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- T-shirts for Women's Day Month 2023
- Materials for Repair & Repainting of Plant Boxes, Steel, Concrete Barriers in District 1 & 2
- Meals Requested by YASDO
- Purchase of Water Container with Sticker
- Purchase of Juice & Cupcakes
- Purchase of Slim Water Container with Water & Sticker
- Construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP), Centennial Avenue (PNP, CHO & Museo)
- Materials for Repair/Replacement of parts for Mechanical Ventilator
- Various X-Ray Supplies
- Supply & Delivery of Spaghetti Packs for the Project Reach: Senior Serving Seniors (*Re-posted)
- Supply of Rice & Eco Bags for the Affected Families of Covid-19 Pandemic (*Re-posted)
- Purchase of Machineries & Equipment for Aquatic Center & Track & Field Oval
- Meals & Accomodation for Seminar of PESO
- Purchase of Rubber Floor Mat
- Installation of Medical Utilities & Other Special Systems, New OSMUN Bldg., Alabang
- Construction of Evacuation Center (Phase 2 & 3) Poblacion
- Completion Works for the Construction of Central Storage, Pacwood, Tunasan
- Repainting of 60 Classroom, 9 Laboratories, Flooring and Hallways at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa
- Tokens for 28th Muntinlupa Cityhood Anniversary
- Type B Uniforms for Job Order Employees of Engineering Dept.
- Purchase/Printing of Doxcheck Global Booklets & Digital Certificates to be used by BPLO
- Training Supplies for MCTI
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices (*Re-posted)
- Printing of Tarpaulins, Calendar & Lingkod Bayan Newsletter
- Design & Printing of Tarpaulin for various Activities
- Purchase of Plastic Boxes & Wrappers for Storage of Xmas Decors
- Sets of Toorthbrush & Toothpaste for Dental Health Program
- Construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP), Plaza Central
- Supply & Delivery of 320 Units Portable Radio to be used as Communication System during Disaster (*Re-posted)
- Rental of Lights & Sounds for 28th Muntinlupa Cityhood Anniversary
- Continuous Supply of Ink with Free use of Printer for 2023 (*Re-posted)
- Provision of Security Services for various Schools in Muntinlupa City for (2023)
- Design & Printing of Tarpaulin for Various Activities
- Provision of Security Services for various Schools in Muntinlupa City for (2023)
- Meals for "Responsible 18 Month Celebration, requested by
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of IP Surveillance Monitoring System for DEPED Schools
- Purchase of 200 Grocery Pushcarts
- Purchase of various Food & Drink for Session
- Supply & Delivery of 2 Units BLS Ambulance and Equipment for DDRM
- Purchase of Materials for Repainting Works
- Meals for the Search of 10 Most Outstanding Students
- Purchase of Meals for PNP Seminar
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of IP Surveillance Monitoring System for DEPED Schools
- Supply & Delivery of Kevlar Helmets & Concealed Body Armor Vests (*Re-posted)
- Meals for 33rd Civil Registration
- Purchase of Meals for Mobile Blood Donation Program
- Rental of Ventilator Machine with Ventilator Tubing for use of the Ospital ng Muntinlupa 2023 (*Negotiated)
- Supply & Delivery of Liquid Oxygen/CO2, Ospital ng Muntinlupa 2023 (*Negotiated)
- Supply & Installation of Heat Reclaim Ventilation Unit (*Re-posted)
- Supply & Installation of Heat Reclaim Ventilation Unit (*Re-posted)
- Purchase of Meals for Kasalang Bayan
- Meals for the Seminar of Metropolitan Trial Court Br.111
- Single-sided Thermal ID Card Printer for use of M.I.S.
- Meals for Allowance Distribution of MSD
- Purchase of Electrocardiogram with Data Viewer to be used by OSMUN
- Construction of Food & Non-Food Rooms at MCTI Annex SV3 Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Ammunitions for Pistols & Rifles to be used by PNP Muntinlupa
- Troubleshooting & Maintenance of Elevator
- Supply & Installation of Earthquake Recording Instrument Accelerometer at Main & Annex Bldgs., Sports Complex, PNP Building, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Dietary Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Reagent Tie-up for use of Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Supply & Installation of Earthquake Recording Instrument Accelerometer at Main & Annex Bldgs., Sports Complex, PNP Building, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Anesthesia Machine to be used at OSMUN
- Printing of Certificates, Forms and Brochure for use of various Offices (*Re-posted)
- Supply & Delivery of Various Food Items to be Distributed to various Constituents
- Supply & Delivery of Anesthesia Machine to be used at OSMUN
- Provision of Security Services within the Premises of City Hall, Sports Complex, DDRM, OSMUN, MARKET, PLMUN, CDM & PACWOOD for (2023)
- Provision of Garbage Collection, Hauling & Disposal Services (2023)
- Laundry Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Hazard Waste Materials, CHO (2023)
- Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Various Hospital Waste, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Supply & Delivery of Medical Gases, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Outsourced Housekeeping Services, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2023)
- Materials for the Installation of Top Vent Greenhouse for Vegetable Nursery at City Demo Farm
- Renovation, Extension & Repainting Works at SV3 Health Center Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
- Various ICT Equipment for use of BPLO
- Various Materials requested by BPLO for the 2023 Business Permit Renewal
- Various Supplies for use of Accounting Office
- Maintenance of Emergency Public Address and Warning Alert System
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Thermal & Optical Bi-Spectrum Newtwork Positioning System
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Commissioning of 20 Stations of Beacon Lights for PWDs of Muntinlupa City (*Re-posted)
- Office & Other Supplies for use of CSO
- Expansion of CCTV Coverage in Muntinlupa City for the CCRM Operations Center (*Re-posted)
- Supply & Delivery of Emergency Mobile Application of MCDDRM to help expedite the Response Time (*Re-posted)
- Lifetime Foldable Table for use of BPLO in preparation for 2023 Bisiness Permits' Renewal
- Compressor Nebulizer for Constituents
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Outdoor LED Wall for Public Information Dissemination (*Re-posted)
- Supply & Delivery of EMS Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD) & Record Management System (E-Book) for DDRM Operations Center (*Re-posted)
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Handheld 3D Scanner and Filament Maker for Colegio De Muntinlupa
- Office & Janitorial Supplies for COA Muntinlupa
- 684 Packs of 60 Bottled Water 350ml
- Various School/Sports Supplies to be Donated/Given to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Various Food Stand, Food Cart & Super Kalan to be Donated/Given to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Various Agricultural Supplies for the Improvement & Maintenance of City Demo Farm
- Coffee Powder for Pakape Burial Assistance to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Materials for Livelihood Skills Training of GAD
- Various Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for Eco Store
- Purchase of various Materials for the preparationm & Conduct of 2023 Business Permits Renewal
- Various Materials for use of BPLO in preparation for 2023 Business Permits Renewal
- Various Electrical Materials for use of BPLO in preparation for 2023 Business Permits Renewal
- Various Supplies for City Human Resource and Management Department
- Tarpaulins for various Activities in Muntinlupa City
- Various Materials in Preparation for 2023 Business Permits Renewal
- Repair & Maintenance of Office Equipment
- Umbrella & Water Tumbler for Constituents
- IP Surveillance Camera & Public Address System in the Senior Citizens Home Care Facility
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of IP Surveillance Monitoring System at Plaza Central
- Supply & Delivery of Ferrous Sulfate with Folic Acid
- Various Materials for the Installation of Booth in Filinvest Alabang XMAS BAZAAR
- Meals & Venue for G.S.O.
- Packaged Meals for the Year-end Assessment of PNP Muntinlupa
- Construction of Malasakit Center Extension Ramp & Waiting Area at OSMUN, Brgy. Alabang
- Supply & Delivery of various Food Items to be donated to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Giveaways to various Guests/Clients by the Office of the Mayor
- Accomodation with Full Board Meals & Transportation for DDRM
- Venue Rental & Lunch Buffet for M.I.S.
- Supply & Delivery of Pamaskong Handog to be given as Extended Assistance to Muntinlupa Constituents
- Personalized Mugs & Foldable Fans for CDM Brand Promotion
- Supply & Delivery of Various Office Supplies for Use by the OBO
- Meals for Person Involved in Senior Citizens' Rice Distribution in 9 Barangays
- Supply & Delivery of various ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Assorted Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Rental of Sound System, Lights, LED Wall & Live Feed Cameras for 105th Founding Anniversary of Muntinlupa
- Rental of Sound System, Lights, LED Wall & Live Feed Cameras for Muntinlupa Day Celebration
- Grocery Packs as Raffle Prizes for Muntinlupa Day Celebration
- Meals for the Seminars/Trainings by Muntinlupa Police Station for December 2022
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Packs for Pamaskong Handog
- Purchase of Machineries & Equipment for Use of GAD Office
- Procurement of Various Medicines for Response to the Cholera Outbreak at Biazon Road
- Procurement of 1,919 vials of Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine
- Procurement of 150 box of Lidocaine HCL 2% (Dental Anesthesia) to be used by CHO
- Supply & Delivery of Welfare Goods for Food Subsidy Program for Covid-19 affected Families
- Supply & Delivery of 20,000 packs of Grocery Items as Pamaskong Handog for the Residents of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Food Packs for Indigent Families of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of One (1) Unit Manlift/Aerial Lift Work Platform
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Local Area Network for the Operations Center
- Supply & Delivery of various Medicines to be used at Putatan Super Health Center
- Supply & Delivery Medical & Laboratory Supplies to be used by CHO & OSMUN
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Local Area Network for the Operations Center
- Supply & Delivery of Office & ICT Equipment & Furnitures for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Tents for Covid-19 Facilities & Will serve as Command Post, Triage, Isolation for Covid Patients & Other Covid Activities (Re-posted)
- Construction of Pet Crematorium at Pacwood Brgy. Tunasan
- Supply & Delivery of Covid-19 Kits to be distributed to Various Brgy. within the City of Muntinlupa & Various Supplies to be used by DDRM (Re-posted)
- Installation of Fiber Optic Cable at BPLO, City Treasury, Satellite Office, MCMAO, Police Clearance, PDAO, MTMB, NBI, Ayala Mall Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Multi-Parameter Water Quality Testing Kit to be used by LMO
- Purchase of Meals/Snacks for the Conduct of CDM Employees Performance Review & Action Planning
- Supply & Delivery Medical & Laboratory Supplies to be used by CHO & OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Ultrasound Machine to be used at Putatan Super Health Center
- Purchase of Meals & Venue Rentals for the Local Housing Board Annual Assessement & Planning Workshop
- Space Technology Application (STA) Exhibits (Rental Fee) for 3 Days During the 2022 Muntinlupa Robotics Fair & Exhibits
- Supply & Delivery of Iron Fortified Rice for Undernourished Children under ECED's ECCD Program (Re-posted)
- Purchase of Rice for the BASURA PALIT BIGAS PROGRAM of the GAD Office
- Refill of Fire Extinguisher in Compliance with R.A. 9514
- Purchase of Meals to be used by City Cooperative Officer for the Pasko ng Koop: Balik Saya
- Purchase of Meals/Snack for the 5 Days Training on Data Processing of HPQ as Part of the Foregoing Activities of CBMS
- Supply & Delivery of Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Materials to be used by OSMUN
- Fabrication of Trash Bin 3 sets & Protective Grills 5 sets at Social Dev't. Center Lakeview Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Full Accomodation for the LDRRM Council 4th Quarter Meeting
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Hemoglobin Monitoring System-Blood Bank Equipment/Analyzer for Reagent Tie-Up
- 11-15-22 Supply, Delivery & Installation of LED Meteor Lights at Susana Heights Centennial Ave., Tunasan & Christmas Decor at Muntinlupa City Hall
- Supply, Delivery & Installatioon of Christmas Lights & Decor in Muntinlupa City Hall
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of LED Tape Lights at Muntinlupa Sports Complex Tunasan, Museo ng Muntinlupa Tunasan, Plaza Central Bldg., Poblacion, Putatan Lying-In, Railing along Bayanan, Poblacion & Soldiers Hills Putatan, City of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Materials to be used at Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Venue Rental Package & Accomodation for the Rapid Damage Assessment & Need Analysis Training Course
- Roof Replacement of City Hall at Main Building Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Repair of Drainage System at 307 Isabel St., Lakeview Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Food Packs for 5,000 Solo Parent & Feeding Programs Beneficiaries in Muntinlupa City
- Installation of Feeder Line for Lamp Posts & Park Lighting at Parking Area of OSMUN Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Printing of Forms & IEC Materials for use of Various Offices
- Piping Distribution from Main Line to Water Metering Block in Employees Housing at Lakeview Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Renovation, Extension & Repainting Works of Alabang Health Center at Brgy. Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Renovation & Provision Works at Kalingang Munti Action Center (K.M.A.C) GF City Hall Main Bldg., Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Renovation of Operation Center & Construction of Pantry at Resiliency Bldg., Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Rice for the Employees of City Gov't. of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Various School Supplies for Brigada Eskwela 2022 Program
- Supply, Delivery, Installation & Configuration of Structured Cabling & Public WIFI with Portal Software & Server for Muntinlupa City Hall Compound
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment & Materials for Kalingang Munti Action Center (KMAC)
- Supply & Delivery of Office & ICT Equipment for use of Various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Rice foe Senior Citizens in the City of Muntinlupa
- Purchase of Framed Photos of the Newly Elected City Mayor
- Purchase of Training Kits for the Conduct of Capability Building on Camp Coordination & Camp Management
- Replacement of Ceiling & Repainting of Community Club House at Central Park Golden Gate St., Parkhomes Subd., Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Bamboo Poles for the used of Small Fisher Folks of Muntinlupa City
- Replacement of Travertine Stone at Liwasan ng mga Bayani Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Purchase of Meals for the Conduct of Orientation for the Updating of Sex-Disaggregated Data
- Request for the Conduct of Respite Care for Foster Families
- Installation of Wall Cladding, Carpet, Ceiling & Frosted Vinyl Sticker at Centennial Office 2nd Floor City Hall Main Bldg., Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Printing of Various Forms for the Conduct of Orientation for the Update of Sex-Disaggregated Data
- Purchase of Commemorative Umbrellas for The Simultaneously Barangay Children Assembly
- Purchase for the Expenses for the Livelihood Skills Training on Perfume & Cologne Making for LGBTQI Group
- Purchase of (2) Air-Conditioning Unit to be used at OSCA
- Purchase of Uniform to be used by the City CSO, POSO & MTMB
- Supply & Delivery of Rapid Test Kits to Identify or Diagnose a Disease & Provide Result at the Point Care at OSMUN
- Fabrication of Aluminum Glass Cabinet/Installation of Wall Paper at City Admin Office & Conference Room 2nd Floor City Hall Main Bldg., Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Installation of 10HP Submersible Pump at Aquatic Center, Muntinhlupa Sports Center, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Blood Bags & Blood Sample Collection Materials to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for use of Various Offices
- Purchase & Delivery of Supplies for the Installation of Strip Lights for OSMUN Signage at OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Reagent Tie-Up to be used at OSMUN
- Purchase of Meals/Snacks for the Training of Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers & Lay Rescuers at Putatan Health Center Conference Room
- Supply & Delivery of Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Reagent Tie-Up to be Used at OSMUN
- Purchase of Variable Volume Pipette Tips Filtered to be used at OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for various activities of Muntinlupa Scholarship Division
- Supply & Delivery of Rice for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti Community Feeding Program
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for Preparatory & Post Election Activities of Comelec
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Mineral Water Slim Containers with Water & Stickers
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment & Materials for PLMUN Center for Multimedia & Laboratory Mgt. Equipment
- Enhancement of School Main Gate & Fences of Bayanan Elementary School Unit I, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Black Leather Shoes for distribution to Public School Students with in Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Software & Server for PLMUN ICT Office (*Re-posted)
- Supply & Delivery of Scantron Machine Opscan 4ES Scanner with calibration Software Application to be used by PLMUN
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies & Equipment for Disaster Mitigation to be used by LMO
- Construction of Muntinlupa Mega Health Center (Earthworks, Foundation Works, Structural Steel Columns from Footing Level to Roof Level & 2F Framing), Ilaya St., Barangay Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the various Repair Works of Drainage System at Marigold St., Lakeview Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Supply, Repacking & Delivery of School Supplies for Public Schools Students
- Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning, Electrical & Construction Materials for various Offices of Muntinlupa City
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies for use of various Offices
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment/Devices for 2025 to be used by DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for various Programs & Activities of CADO for 2025
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Ampoules & Vials to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Analgesic, Intravenous & other Sterile Solution to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Matarials for Histopathology Studies to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Medical Supplies for 2025 ti be used by DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Smart Board TVs for PLMUN Classrooms
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Cardiac Marker Analyzer reagent Tie Up and Pre-Transfusion Compatibility Testing Reagent Tie Up
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Solar Lights and Solar Panels for Social Welfare Projects & Economic Project
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Hypnotics and Sedatives to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Nebulizers & Blood Pressure Monitors to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for Busog Lusog Program para sa Batang Munti 2025
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Janitorial & other Supplies for use of various Offices
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Sevoflurane Wet Formulation to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Diagnostic Agent (Radiocontrast Media) to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Clinical Chemistry & Electrolytes Reagent Tie Up to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG) Machine Reagent Tie Up, Blood Collection Tubes & Blood Bags for Donors to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Manual Sphygmomanometers with Stethoscopes to be given to constituents of Muntinlupa City
- Early Procurement Activitiy (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for Bahay Kanlungan, Bahay Pag-Asa & Muntinlupa Social Development Center
- Supply & Delivery of Motorcycles to be used by MTMB
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Hematology & Coagulation Reagent Tie Up to be used by OSMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Blood Bank Screening, I Stat (Point Care for CABG) Machine, HBA1C Reagent Tie Up, Typing Sera & Rapid Tests Kits
- Supply & Delivery of Road Safety Signages & Warning Devices
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Linen Supply to be used by OSMUN
- Laundry Services, OSMUN 2025
- Supply & Delivery of Medical & Laboratory Supplies for different Health Centers
- Supply & Delivery of Personal Protective Equipment for use of various Offices
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Printing of ECCD Checklist & IEC Materials
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies to be used by PLMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Janitorial & other Supplies to be used by PLMUN
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Instructional Materials to be used by ECED
- Supply & Delivery of various Brochures and Flyers to be used by City Health Office
- Supply & Delivery of various Brochures and Flyers to be used by City Health Office
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Tumblers as Tokens for 2025 Muntinlupa Cityhood Celebration
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to constituents of Muntinlupa 2025
- Outsourced Housekeeping Services, OSMUN 2025
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Pest Control for various Offices of City Government of Muntinlupa
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment & Materials to be used by PLMUN ICT Department
- Supply & Delivery of Multi-Purpose Vehicle to be used by CPDO
- Construction of Material Recovery Facility: Structural, Architectural, Electrical Rough-ins, & Sanitary Works at Alabang Central Market, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture, Appliances & Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Refilling Compressor for the SCBA Units Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment to be used by C.H.O.
- Repair of Ground Floor Comfort Rooms & Polycarbonate Roofing at CDM Bldg. 1 at Posadas Ave., Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of CCTVs to be used by PNP Sub-Station with in Muntinlupa
- Construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP), at Colegio De Muntinlupa Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of CCTVs to be used by PNP Sub-Station with in Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies & Materials for various Courses Offered in MCTI
- Supply & Delivery of Organic Waste Shredders to be used by ESC
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of various Hospital Waste, OSMUN (2025)
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Provision of Security Services for Muntinlupa City Government Offices
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply of Medical Gases, Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Supply & Delivery of Dietary Services OSMUN (2025)
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Arterial Blood Gas Reagent Tie-Up. Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Provision of Garbage Collection, Hauling & Disposal Services for 2025
- Early Procurement Activity (EPA) for the Rental of Ventilator Machines with Ventilator Tubings for use of Ospital ng Muntinlupa (2025)
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture for Audio Visual Room
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures to be used by various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Rice for Disaster Affected Families in Muntinlupa City
- Printing of Tarpaulins & IEC Materials
- Supply & Delivery of Food Relief for Prepositioning & Stockpiling for Disaster affected Families in Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Sound System with varioous Accessories
- Supply & Delivery of ICT & Office Equipment for use of various Offices
- Printing of Tarpaulins & IEC Materials for the use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment & Furniture for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Immunohistopathologychemistry (IHC) to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Blood Culture Broth with Ard Bottle Tie-Up & Antibiotic Susceptibility Disc for Microbiology
- Supply & Delivery of Vehicles to be used by DDRM & other CGMs Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Mineral Water Slim Container with Water & Sticker
- Supply & Delivery of Instructional Materials to be used by ECED
- Printing of ECCD Checklist & IEC Materials
- Supply & Delivery of Rice & Grocery Items with Basket
- Supply & Delivery of Customized Items to be used by various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Medicines, Medical Supplies & Equipment to be used by DDRM EMS
- Construction of SPED Bldg: Accesibility Features, Achitectural Finishes, Electrical, Mechanical, Fire Protection & Auxiliary Systems at Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Construction of Technical-Vocational Facility (MCTI) Phase 2 at Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Appliances for various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Medical & Laboratory Supplies to be distributed to defferent Health Centers
- Supply & Delivery of Construction & Electrical Materials for the use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Customized Items to be used by various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Drones including Batteries, Spotlight, Multipacks of Accessories & other Peripherals to be used by DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Medicines, Medical Supplies & Equipment to be used by DDRM EMS
- Supply & Delivery of Portable Radios to be used by DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Training Equipment for Emergency Medical Services of DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies & Materials to be used by ESC
- Supply & Delivery of First Aid Kit for the First Aid Service Team of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of Emergency Response Motorcycles for the First Aid Service Team of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of Refilling Compressor for the SCBA Units of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures ti be used by various Offices
- Rental of Lights, Sounds, & LED Wall for Muntinlupa Founding Anniversary & Muntinlupa Day Celebration
- Supply & Delivery of Multi-Purpose Vehicles for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Rice & Grocery Items with Basket
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning Units for Public Schools in District 1 & 2 of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Sound System for Public Schools in District 1 & 2 of Muntinlupa City
- Creative Consulting Services for the Research, Concept Development, Copywriting & Editing, Design & Layout, Photography & Printing of the Muntinlupa 30th Cityhood Commemorative Coffee Table Book & the Printing & Publication of the Muntinlupa World War II History Book
- Construction of SPED Bldg: Accesibility Features, Achitectural Finishes, Electrical, Mechanical, Fire Protection & Auxiliary Systems at Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa
- Construction of Technical-Vocational Facility (MCTI) Phase 2 at Brgy. Sucat, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Appliances for various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Medical & Laboratory Supplies to be distributed to defferent Health Centers
- Supply & Delivery of Construction & Electrical Materials for the use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Customized Items to be used by various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Drones including Batteries, Spotlight, Multipacks of Accessories & other Peripherals to be used by DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Medicines, Medical Supplies & Equipment to be used by DDRM EMS
- Supply & Delivery of Portable Radios to be used by DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Training Equipment for Emergency Medical Services of DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of various Supplies & Materials to be used by ESC
- Supply & Delivery of First Aid Kit for the First Aid Service Team of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of Emergency Response Motorcycles for the First Aid Service Team of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of Refilling Compressor for the SCBA Units of Muntinlupa City Fire Department
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures ti be used by various Offices
- Rental of Lights, Sounds, & LED Wall for Muntinlupa Founding Anniversary & Muntinlupa Day Celebration
- Supply & Delivery of Multi-Purpose Vehicles for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Rice & Grocery Items with Basket
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning Units for Public Schools in District 1 & 2 of Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Sound System for Public Schools in District 1 & 2 of Muntinlupa City
- Creative Consulting Services for the Research, Concept Development, Copywriting & Editing, Design & Layout, Photography & Printing of the Muntinlupa 30th Cityhood Commemorative Coffee Table Book & the Printing & Publication of the Muntinlupa World War II History Book
- Construction of Material Recovery Facility & Toxic Waste Storage Area at OSMUN, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
- Supply, Delivery and Installation of Accelerograph System with in Muntinlupa
- Printing of Booklets, Tarpaulins, Forms & IEC Materials for the use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture, Appliances & Equipment for use of varioous Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Offices Supplies for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Customized Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use various Offices
- Concrete of Pathway at 135 San Guillermo St., Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Rice to Senior Citizens & other Constituents
- Supply & Delivery of Noodles to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Liquid Oxygen to be used by OSMUN (*negotiated)
- Supply & Delivery of Ambush-Type Patrol Vehicle to be used by ESC
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of various Medicines to be allocated to different Health Centers
- Various Repair Works of Animal Pound Center at Pacwood, Tunasan, Muntinlupa
- Renovation of Molave & Mahogany Daycare Centers & Nara Child Development Center at Brgy. Buli, Muntinlupa City
- Repair & Improvement of Drainage System at Ilang-Ilang St., Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City
- Fit-Outs of PCMO Office at Alabang Central Market
- Supply & Delivery of ICT & Office Equipment for the use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Rice to be given to Senior Citizens & other Constituents
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of ICT & Office Equipment for use of various Office
- Supply & Delivery of Machineries & Equipment for use if various Offices
- Printing of ECCD Checklist & IEC Materials
- Supply & Delivery of Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be used by C.H.O. & OSCA
- Supply & Delivery of various Toners for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Goods to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Noodles to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to various Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Goods to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of various Civil Engineering Laboratory Equipment for the Academic Department of CDM Laboratory
- Subscription Synopsis Software License for 3 Years for the Academic Department of CDM
- Supply & Delivery of Food Relief for Stockpiling & Prepositioning for Disaster Affected Families in Muntinlupa
- Printing of Tarpaulins, Forms/IEC Materials for various Events/Activities
- Supply & Delivery of Sports Materials for various Sports Events
- Supply & Delivery of Trophies & Medals
- Supply & Delivery of Ampoules & Vials & various Medicines to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Cautery Machine Consumables, Endoscopy, Surgical & Urology Supplies
- Supply & Delivery of various Drugs & Medicines to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Hemoconcentrator, Open Heart Surgery Supplies, CABG Supplies & Oxygenerator
- Supply & Delivery of Human Albumin & Erythropoietin to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Hypnotics & Sedatives to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of IV Fluids to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Medical & Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Medicines needed by Anesthesiologist during Operations in Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Medicines to be used for Diagnostic Procedures & Patient Care
- Supply & Delivery of Single Limb Breathing Circuit, High FLow & CT Scan Machine Consumables
- Supply & Delivery of Sports Materials for various Sports Events
- Printing of Tarpaulins, Forms/IEC Materials for various Events/Activities
- Supply & Delivery of Books to be used by PLMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for various activities of Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs
- Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for Seminars & Training of DDRM
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for various Programs & Activities
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Meals/Snacks for Seminars & Training of various Offices
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of various Civil Engineering Laboratory Equipment for the Academic Department of CDM Laboratory
- Subscription Synopsis Software License for 3 Years for the Academic Department of CDM
- Supply & Delivery of Food Relief for Stockpiling & Prepositioning for Disaster Affected Families in Muntinlupa
- Printing of Tarpaulins, Forms/IEC Materials for various Events/Activities
- Supply & Delivery of Sports Materials for various Sports Events
- Supply & Delivery of Trophies & Medals
- Supply & Delivery of Ampoules & Vials & various Medicines to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Cautery Machine Consumables, Endoscopy, Surgical & Urology Supplies
- Supply & Delivery of various Drugs & Medicines to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Hemoconcentrator, Open Heart Surgery Supplies, CABG Supplies & Oxygenerator
- Supply & Delivery of Human Albumin & Erythropoietin to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Hypnotics & Sedatives to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of IV Fluids to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Medical & Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of Medicines needed by Anesthesiologist during Operations in Ospital ng Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Medicines to be used for Diagnostic Procedures & Patient Care
- Supply & Delivery of Single Limb Breathing Circuit, High FLow & CT Scan Machine Consumables
- Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for the Home Life Needs of Bahay Pag-Asa
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies for use of various Office
- Supply & Delivery of Janitorial & other Supplies for use of various Offices
- Provision of Security Services for Muntinlupa City Government
- Provision of Garbage Collection, Hauling & Disposal Services for 2024
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Home Appliances to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items
- Supply & Delivery of Home Appliances
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Laboratory Equipment to be used by CDM
- Printing of Flyers, Business Planners, IEC Materials & Tarpaulin for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Tools & Materials for the Implementation of Kalingang Munti Community Feeding Program
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use of variouos Offices
- Supply & Delivery of various Goods to be given to Constituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Mineral Water Slim Container & Bottled Water with Sticker to be given to Contituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items for the Implementation of Supplementary Feeding Program
- Supply & Delivery of ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Grocery Items to be given to Contituents of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures for use various Offices
- Printing of various IEC Materials, Receipts, Forms & Tickets for use various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Rice to be given to Contituents of Muntinlupa
- Printing of Letter Head, Forms, Brochures, Receipt, Booklets, Certification & Lamp Post Banner/Tarpaulin
- Supply & Delivery of Office Equipment, Fixture & Fixtures
- Supply & Delivery of Meals for the Conduct of Seminar Entitled "Values Orientation Workshop (V.O.W.) & GAD Enrichment Learning"
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Airconditioning Units at the LCR
- Improvement of Drainage System at Brgy. Buli, Muntinlupa City
- Supply & Delivery of Sound System & Accessories to be used by Mayor's Office
- Network Security Licenses for the Protection & Prevention of Threats & the Like on all Systems, Applications & Software of the City Government of Muntinlupa
- Supply & Delivery of Drugs & Medicines to be used by OSCA
- Supply & Delivery of Medical Equipment to be used by OSMUN
- Supply & Delivery of 2 units Mobile Kitchen for Disaster & Emergency Response of SSD
- Repair, Maintenance & Restoration of Disaster Response Mobile Kitchen
- Supply & Delivery of Medical, Dental & Laboratory Supplies for use of City Health Office
- Supply & Delivery of Office Supplies & Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply, Repacking & Delivery of School Supplies for all ECED Students in Muntinlupa City
- Supply, Delivery & Installation of Air-Conditioning Units at City Prosecutor's Office Justice Hall Bldg. Tunasan
- Supply & Delivery of Medals for Distribution & Donation to Both Public & Private Schools
- Supply & Delivery of Laboratory Supplies to be used by OSMUN
- Printing of Business Permit, Certificates, Forms, Permit Card, Sintra Board, Letterhead & Materials for the use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Office & ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of various Equipment to be used by PIO & TCAD
- Supply & Delivery of Office & ICT Equipment for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Office & Computer Supplies for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Janitorial Supplies for use of various Offices
- Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for Abandoned/Neglected Senior Citizen's & Person with Psychological Disability in Social Development Center (Tiosejo)
- Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for the Homelife Needs of Bahay Pag-Asa
- Supply & Delivery of Food Supplies for the Homelife Needs of Social Development Center (Lakeview)
- Supply & Delivery Black Leather Shoes for distribution to Public School Students
- Supply, Delivery & Repacking of School Supplies for distribution to Public School Students
- Continuous Supply of Ink with Free use of Printer - REPOSTED
- Printing of Tarpaulins, Calendar & Lingkod Bayan Newsletter
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